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Thread: I don't know squat

  1. #1
    Join Date
    Jul 2011

    Default I don't know squat

    • starting strength seminar august 2024
    • starting strength seminar october 2024
    • starting strength seminar december 2024
    Hi Rip,
    I have been on the SSBBT program for about 6 months. I'm 37, tall (6') and fat (227).
    I struggle with squats, not the weight per say, but form. Specifically, I have never been able to achieve below parallel without my knees going forward at the bottom, and even in those cases I'm barelly below parallel. I know that the standard prescription is "knees out" and I mentally cue this before my sets, that and "look down" because I tend to lift my head/chest if I don't. My squats are lightyears ahead of where I started and I'm currently lifting 120 lbs more than my starting weight (155->270) despite resetting 3 times; twice for form/depth that was unacceptable and the last time I dumped 275 on the first rep of my second set (upon video review this was also a form issue).

    Things I have tried to remedy this:
    I have experimented with my stance width by marking distances on my platform.
    Wider than shoulder width helps, and I did that for a while but ultimately abandoned it because I could not maintain my knee position with the wide stance. I actually pulled some ligament doing wide stance (I think LCL & MCL but it wasn't major enough to go to a doctor so that is a guess).
    Currently I am emplyoying a slightly narrower stance than shoulder width.

    I experimented with different toe angles and found that wider than 30 degrees feels more natural to me. I have gone up to 45 degrees but typically feel most natural at 40~

    Mental preparedness: There is definately a role that my mind plays in depth, I got a few inches lower by just deciding that I was going to go all the way to the bottom whether I could get back up or not.

    I refuse to say I can't squat below parallel, because that would be an excuse to give up trying. I would greatly appreciate any advice you can give me.

    so here are my most recent 3 sets at 270. the first set I had some balance issues and leading with chest issues and as a result was the hardest set of the 3.

    set 1

    set 2 (sorry about the music)

    set 3 (from the back)

  2. #2
    Join Date
    Jul 2007
    North Texas


    You're about 3 inches high, and there are several problems here. I recommend that you get a coach, or come to our seminar in Costa Mesa. And I also think you'll do better outside the rack, for various reasons having to do with your perception of your position at the bottom.

  3. #3
    Join Date
    Jul 2011


    Thank you for your response. I will work on the coach or coast issue.

    Quote Originally Posted by Mark Rippetoe View Post
    And I also think you'll do better outside the rack, for various reasons having to do with your perception of your position at the bottom.

    because of the proximity to the wall?

  4. #4
    Join Date
    Jul 2007
    North Texas


    Because the rack upright members may be influencing your back angle subconsciously. Just try it outside since you have to deload anyway.

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