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Thread: Program with DL variation

  1. #1
    Join Date
    Sep 2013
    Stockholm, Sweden

    Default Program with DL variation

    • starting strength seminar december 2024
    • starting strength seminar february 2025
    • starting strength seminar april 2025
    Hello Andy
    Thanks for all your inspiring texts and vids.
    Im 68yo been doing SS for 7years and quite slow progress, with a long weak lower back and now trying to program my DL over three weeks variation with
    -Blockpull 150kgx3-5x1, -Paused DL 100kgx2x10 with 60sec rest between sets
    -Regular DL 130kgx3-5x1
    What would be the prefered order of those three exercises to get my regular deadlift to go up and should I do any other changes?
    I also do the other three lifts, all in a 4days a week one lift a day program.
    Glad for any help.

  2. #2
    Join Date
    Jul 2007
    North Texas

  3. #3
    Join Date
    Sep 2013
    Stockholm, Sweden


    Quote Originally Posted by Mark Rippetoe View Post
    Thanks for the questions! Im a big fan of you Mark, read and watch everything, I buy your books and give them away, so I gave it a long and hard try.
    Came to a obvius conclusion, I had a hard time accepting (stupid me) that I need more protein.
    My loading is ok between 1lbs-5lbs raises. Resting between sets no problem, Im alone in my homegym and put the timer on 7minutes. So rest is around 10 min or more if I need, for exampel before the third squat set when it gets heavy.
    I do cardio once a week, sledpull or take a walk.
    So I raised my protein intake. calculating like this: From 120-150gr to over 200gr.
    Mostly by eating more. 4eggs + 250gr eggwhite omelette lunch and a 50gr proteinshake between meals and a 300gr meat dinner.
    Now Im on a NLP progression 3xweek. Had a lay off for 6 month.
    Stats: male 69yo 230lbs 5,9.
    Bad athlete genetics. Been a follower of you since around 2011.
    Sorry for the long answer, I just had to...[emoji3061]

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