About a year ago I was deadlifting about 300 5x5. I've been deadlifting for about a year back then. I switched to 5 reps x 1 set and got to 330 when one day it felt like my lower back teared. I stopped and though the pain wasn't that bad but the next day I could barely walk. I saw a doctor and all he told me to do is stretch.
With taking it easy, increasing hamstring flexability, and working on my form. I was about 95% recovered in January. Probably 99% now, I only get a phantom of the pain these days, it's not even painful, it's just reminds me of how I felt back than.
I've increased on all my lifts including good gains on my squat, but my deadlift isn't anywhere where it used to be, 230 5x5 now, able to add about 5 lbs a month. When I first started I started around 185 and added 5 lbs a week until I got to 275, then at a slower rate until I reached 300.
what's going on with me?