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Thread: squat, grip, and shoulder pain

  1. #1
    Join Date
    May 2012

    Default squat, grip, and shoulder pain

    • starting strength seminar october 2024
    • starting strength seminar december 2024
    • starting strength seminar february 2025
    Hey rip looking for some input, just had a horribly demotivating squat session. I takes me around 15 to 20 minuts of racking and re racking the bar on my shoulders to get into the loq bar posisiton. I have read an reread the chapter on squat in SS3. You say if you are not flexible enough to obtain this position just high bar squat until flexibility is achieved. what can I do to achieve this flexibility? Ive been tring to work through this for a while now and its getting me down. thanks for your help.

    P.s. I have watched your video on proper low bar squat position. I have a clear understanding of this position just a very hard time of getting there.

  2. #2
    Join Date
    Jul 2012
    Virginia Beach,VA


    you should post this in Rip's Q&A to get a response from him. I can tell you what worked for me though. Every day(literally) when I do foam rolling,stretching and/or mobility work I get the EMPTY bar into position and just hold it for 60 seconds focusing on elbows up. then I squat down below parallel and hold it for 30-45 seconds . I do this after every circuit of my rolling,stretching and mobility stuff. I normally do the circuit 2 times on training day and 3 times on non training days.

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