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Thread: Starr Rehab

  1. #1
    Join Date
    Mar 2008
    Denver CO

    Default Starr Rehab

    • starting strength seminar august 2024
    • starting strength seminar october 2024
    • starting strength seminar december 2024

    I seem to have injured my obliques/postural muscles/ whatever makes you stand up; I'm not sure how or why. Front to back motions (back extensions, situps) are fine, but twisting or bending to the side hurt to the point of somewhat limited mobility. I've been icing the area and taking ibuprofen (I buy my Equate at Sam's Club).

    My question is about the motion to prefrom for the Starr Rehab method. I was thinking about using Saxon side bends. I tried them the other day, and it seemed to fit the criteria list in the Rehab sticki. I wanted to know if you had any ideas on excersize selection for rehab.

    Also, to keep this from happening again, I was planning on doing heavy Saxon side bends with a bar in addtion to the L-chins, planks and weighted sit-ups I was previously doing. Any thoughts? (Already regretting asking such an open ended question)


  2. #2
    Join Date
    Jul 2007
    North Texas


    Where exactly is the injury, and are you sure this is not a back injury?

  3. #3
    Join Date
    Mar 2008
    Denver CO


    After some further digging, and realizing that high rep saxon bends for 3 days in row leads to some interesting result (god the pain) I think the affected spot is possibly the Serratus Posterior inferior. You may ask why I think this since I've shown in the past I can be a dumbass. One, from the picture, that about right where it hurts
    second, I notice pain that grows in area during deep breath and while running; part of the muscles job is to aid in breathing. I noticed the pain while I was helping a girl move. A young single, rather attractive girl. Nothing I picked up was even remotely heavy.

    I chose the saxon bends due the statement in the rehab sticky
    "Then use an exercise that directly works the injury, i.e. that makes it hurt"
    and it did.

    It's feeling mostly better and I'm thnking about going back to starting strength to get my lifts back, probably a few days.

    Any ideas other than the afformentioned dumbass realization and that most of my problems, one way or another, have involved attractive single women?

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