Ignore the bro's. Your off to a good start but need to keep improving. Read and reread SS3. Watch rip's video's and keep submitting vid's. I would recommend you submit to the coaches Q&A but get a good set of 5 from a rear 45 angle (see sticky for details) before you do. In the meantime; You need to take a deep breath (valsalva) at the top of the squat and hold it to tighten the cylinder, not blow all the air out. Head should be neutral with eye gaze about 3 ft in front of you. Set your hips and clamp down on your abs, from here nothing moves except the hips and knees. Hips break and knees go OUT (think towards the wall) knee's should reach their target point (Google TUBOW if needed) about 1/3 to 1/2 of the way down. After this point keep pushing the hips back and tilt you pelvis toward the floor. Again your tightness should be consistent, at the bottom of the squat drive up with your hips as if a chain were pulling your hips up from the ceiling. Release your breath ONLY at the top of the squat the repeat for next rep.
Your holding too vertical of a chest. Let your hips go back. Your lifting you chest as you come out of the hole and its killing you hip drive. Your also losing tightness which is causing the weight to move forward of your mid-foot. Everyone has these issues to some degree or another when they start. Slow down a bit, stay focused on consistent setup, staying tight, getting your knees OUT and keeping the weight over the mid-foot throughout the movement. Take another vid and repost.