My guess without seeing the squats is that your form is inconsistent.
Ive noticed this strange phenomena when I train which is that my RPE declines across my work set, rather than increases, regardless of the movement.
For example, take a squat workout: I typically warm up starting with the barx10, then 60kgx5x2, 80kgx5, 100x5, 120x3, 140x3x2, 150x1, 160x1, then 140x6x4 (rxs). On the work set, I will be aiming for 8 RPE, but it will usually go something like: 9, 8.5, 8, 7. It is quite frusterating because I really would like the last set to be the first set in RPE terms.
Anybody every have this happen to them? What did you do about it? I thought about warming up longer but I am already taking 45mins for the above squat workout, for example (including warmup)
My guess without seeing the squats is that your form is inconsistent.
9 to a 7 is quite odd
I think if you went 8, 8.5, 8, 7.5 that might be somewhat normal or even 8.5, 8, 8, 7.5
Rest times consistent?
Also, that's probably too many warmups
Why not
Maybe, Im no pro, and have been working on it with the technique forum. Its not really inconsistent on the work sets because Im not near failure but probably is on the heavy singles.
2 mins on the heavy singles and 3-4 mins on the work sets.
Always thought I needed a thorough warmup. Will give a shorter version a try.
First work set is always hardest for me. I find it to almost be another warmup. I'm not used to the weight and often don't get the "groove" right.
Second set is always easiest. Muscles are warm and I'm confident that I can put up the weight after success on set one.
Third is slightly harder as I'm fatigued by this point.
I have considered playing around with a heavy single as my last warmup to prevent a weak first set. Has anyone tried this?
Warmup - 135 x 5, 185 x 3, 225 x 1, 275 x 1
Work set: 255 x 5