Not bad, brother, not bad at all.
What kind of shoes are you wearing, by the way? Those aren't squishy running shoes or some such, are they?
I've been putting loads of time into improving my squat form. If you're curious as to where I came from, look at my Youtube channel. I hope I've at least improved.
If my squats are good, critique my Deadlift?
I got up to 230 for 1x5 at one point, but deloaded because my back was rounding.
Last edited by pantsaregood; 01-28-2010 at 09:21 PM.
Not bad, brother, not bad at all.
What kind of shoes are you wearing, by the way? Those aren't squishy running shoes or some such, are they?
Chuck Taylors.
I used to squat in "squishy running shoes," but realized how utterly idiotic it was.
I don't feel my hamstrings very much in the movement at all, nor do I really feel my quads much. The only muscles I feel getting really tight are my hip adductors and lower back. Is this normal? My back is usually exhausted after my sets.
HOw do your abs feel? If you are not focused and your abs become untighted your back will compensate and your chest will collapse. Anything like that throughout your workouts. I didn't really see any from the video, but....
My abs are definitely tight. I actually can't grasp how one could squat ANY amount of weight without tight abs. Breathing while lifting seems to have "duh" written all over it, but I guess it's something that doesn't happen naturally for some people.
I find have hurried a set without 'setting' my abs and failed to come out of the hole. I used to struggle with it until I got my breath timing down.
I don't feel my hamstrings all that much after a squat set, but the next morning I when I stretch I can definitely tell they had been worked.
First off, nice work, guy. Making progress.
Can anyone tell me if the second set of 5 ( are all to proper depth?
I'm not trying to be a douchebag here, I need to practice judging depth. It looks to me like reps 3-5 are a little high. I would appreciate it if someone could confirm my observation or explain why it is incorrect.
I believe rep 3 was good just quick
Rep 4 and 5 are around the parallel mark. If you are good at timing pause it before he drives up.