I don't actually recommend them, since they produce a completely different back angle while reducing the load you can train with. They were included for completeness. Snatch grip deadlifts do about the same thing.
Hi Rip. Rereading SS on the kindle since the 3rd edition came out. Thanks for the continuing work.
I'm an intermediate lifter and would like to start employing deficit deadlifts in my DL programming. I've done a couple sessions off a 1.75" deficit just because that's how thick my 35lb plates are. My google-fu is failing me in finding some good advice on what kind of deficit to use other than that Ed Coan recommends 3-5 inches. While the section on pulling from blocks is relevant, it never discusses height.
What is your recommendation on selecting what deficit to pull from?
I don't actually recommend them, since they produce a completely different back angle while reducing the load you can train with. They were included for completeness. Snatch grip deadlifts do about the same thing.
Coach is there a reason why you didn't include sumo pulls?
SS:BBT is not about powerlifting.
Does that mean that it's useless to pull sumo unless you wanna lift more? (and you have a special bodytype)
Sumo stance produces artificially shorter legs, which produces an artificially more-vertical back angle, which reduces the moment force on the back/thigh segments, which makes the lift easier and shorter. Does this sound like a good way to make the pull stronger?
I see.
Yeah, but without sumo pulls how are you gonna get huge adductors? That's why most people train, right? To get huge adductors?