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Thread: Older trainees and rebuilding

  1. #1
    Join Date
    Jun 2014

    Default Older trainees and rebuilding

    • starting strength seminar october 2024
    • starting strength seminar december 2024
    • starting strength seminar february 2025
    Current Body Weight: 198.6 lbs / 90kg as of 20170115
    Current programming: Old man recovery advanced novice two-day-a-week (Roughly 3C as in The Barbell Prescription)
    Caloric intake: ~2300 a day, 150g Protein, 119g fat, 150g carbs average weekly (roughly 30 P/45 F/25 C)

    I've put on about 10-15 lbs I wasn't meaning to starting before the holidays, but I'm also running out LP again after yet another layoff. Definitely not happy with how I look overall - I don't care about cut abs at all, but feel like I'm 'doughier' than I should be.

    Given the clothed pictures below, should I be concerned with the bodyfat I'm carrying? And if I should lose fat, should I maintain while on the rebuild and cut after?

    [Note: I figured my question would end up here anyway]

  2. #2
    Join Date
    Dec 2013


    I think this is more about how you feel, than what you should do.

    So, in case there's room for feeling better: Can you fit a weekly metcon into your life? Start simple with something like 8 sled/prowler intervals.

  3. #3
    Join Date
    Jul 2015
    the Island of Misfit Toys


    Is your weight currently stable, rising or falling?

    You are on a 2 day program, so there might be a bit of leeway to add in some more work. Walking vigorously for an hour three times a week would alter the balance without knocking you out. Then again, if you're able to take it, you can do some kind of HIIT.

  4. #4
    Join Date
    Jun 2014


    Quote Originally Posted by chrisd View Post
    Is your weight currently stable, rising or falling?

    You are on a 2 day program, so there might be a bit of leeway to add in some more work. Walking vigorously for an hour three times a week would alter the balance without knocking you out. Then again, if you're able to take it, you can do some kind of HIIT.
    Weight's currently stable; I already walk about an hours a day five day a week to ans from work for about four miles a day.

  5. #5
    Join Date
    Jul 2015
    the Island of Misfit Toys


    Quote Originally Posted by I_iz_a_fatass View Post
    Weight's currently stable; I already walk about an hours a day five day a week to ans from work for about four miles a day.
    Guess you're going to have to push a prowler to work and back.

    If your weight is stable and your lifts are increasing satisfactorily, then it should sort itself out.

    I notice from your log that you are doing seated presses. That might be omitting a bit of ab work there.

  6. #6
    Join Date
    Jun 2014


    Quote Originally Posted by chrisd View Post
    Guess you're going to have to push a prowler to work and back.

    If your weight is stable and your lifts are increasing satisfactorily, then it should sort itself out.

    I notice from your log that you are doing seated presses. That might be omitting a bit of ab work there.
    Yea, not by choice; ceiling in the basement is far too low and there's too much hanging copper pipe to work around.

  7. #7
    Join Date
    Jul 2014
    Land of Shadows...


    starting strength coach development program
    Quote Originally Posted by I_iz_a_fatass View Post
    Current Body Weight: 198.6 lbs / 90kg as of 20170115
    Current programming: Old man recovery advanced novice two-day-a-week (Roughly 3C as in The Barbell Prescription)
    Caloric intake: ~2300 a day, 150g Protein, 119g fat, 150g carbs average weekly (roughly 30 P/45 F/25 C)
    I think the Calories are a bit low;
    moar protein;
    switch some of the fat cals out for moar protien & carb cals (more carbs, less fat).
    119 gram of fat x 9 cal = 1071 calories from fat per day? approx. half your entire daily total? don't seem right.

    Build muscle. Going to need moar carbs to fuel HIIT + WeightTraining.

    Do the HIIT thing, its the only thing that marginally worked (working) for me for BF loss.
    I'm going thru a very slow protracted recomp...if that's the right term.
    But there is progress at least.

    Any kinda LISS never worked at all, for me, ever (even when I was 25 y.o.).
    The walking to work ain't doing jack for fat loss IMO. Maybe useful for recovery moreso than the fat loss.

    (me?: 45 yo; 215#; 5'10"; maybe 15-18% BF; real low-ish T . . . but no TRT for me, just yet)
    (the struggle is real)
    Last edited by MBasic; 01-17-2017 at 03:55 PM.

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