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Thread: hip replacement client

  1. #1
    Rajtar Guest

    Default hip replacement client

    • starting strength seminar october 2024
    • starting strength seminar december 2024
    • starting strength seminar february 2025
    I have a client that is waiting for a hip replacement operation, we did squats, preses and deadlift on her first workout and she did not feel any pain or discomfort in her hips. My question is about the squat, her range of motion is limited, she is not able to do a full squat but i have noticed on the last rep when i said give me your best now go as low a you can for the last rep she is able to go few inches lower. Should i continue with the squats and limited range of motion (i think i should) or does anyone have any other ideas? When she came in she could not tie her own shoes, would not bend low enough and at the end of a workout she did a deadlift from the ground with good form for the set of 5. I believe a lot of her problems are psychological and will be overcome overtime (i mean problems with range of motion, flexibility).
    Did anyone here had a similar case? My client is in her early 50's.
    Thanks in advance.

  2. #2
    Join Date
    Mar 2014
    Chicago, IL


    You've discovered that depth problems are usually fixed with firm coaching cues. If she's strong enough to descend to sufficient depth and stand up unassisted, she should squat especially if there's nothing pathological preventing her from squatting. She just might need some strong encouragement.

    Three sets of five reps with her bodyweight alone might be enough of an initial challenge. Start with a light load -- a 5kg training bar or PVC -- and follow the same linear progression that works for everyone.

  3. #3
    Rajtar Guest


    I have accually started her with a 7.5 kg bar and she progressed to 22.5 kg for 5 during one session, the weight of the bar is accually helping her with depth. I am very eager to see how is she going to progress in the next few weeks, i am sure she will be able to go full depth very soon. My concern was the hip but as long as she in not feeling any pain we will keep on squatting.
    You are right about right coaching, it all comes with experience. Personal trainingis the best job in the world

  4. #4
    Join Date
    Mar 2014
    Chicago, IL


    Don't add any more weight until she's getting to depth. Otherwise, she's training a partial squat. If you have to take some weight off the bar or start over with a box to get her to appropriate depth, then do that. But before you begin loading the bar, get her to a proper bottom position.

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