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Thread: Squat Follow Up

  1. #1
    Join Date
    Apr 2014

    Default Squat Follow Up

    • starting strength seminar october 2024
    • starting strength seminar december 2024
    About a month ago I posted a form check -

    I mentioned about getting the LLD checked through an xray, doctor said there wasn't a discrepancy. Its an xray, so it cant be wrong....right?

    Heres a video from behind and it 100% looks like I have a short right leg! Should I just ignore it? Is the doctor wrong? I might need a coach because im baffled about this whole thing....

    Anyway the good news is that I am still adding 5 pounds per workout for the squat.

    video - 250lb 3x5

  2. #2
    Join Date
    Feb 2009
    Atlanta area


    Did you read the entire form check sticky? I don't coach athletes by lying down on the floor, so you shouldn't put your camera on the floor and expect us to be able to see anything useful.

    It still looks like, however, that you are still not getting your knees far enough forward.
    As far as the leg length, I don't see anything discernible. Sorry.
    Last edited by Steve Hill; 11-12-2015 at 03:32 PM.

  3. #3
    Join Date
    Apr 2014


    Sorry Coach I just wanted to get a good view of the back to show the legs. But you don't see that the right leg is a little lower at the bottom? Also, I have been trying to work on the knees going more forward but it seems like I open my hips way to much which doesn't let me get my knees forward enough.

  4. #4
    Join Date
    Feb 2009
    Atlanta area


    No. If I had seen something noteworthy, I would have commented. IF there were such a discrepancy in this video, I would not be able, on video, OVER THE EFFING INTERNET, diagnose something that requires in-person examination. This sets aside the fact that anything seen in the video could be attributed to poor lighting, poor color choice of clothing (ONCE AGAIN: READ THE STICKY. ALL OF IT.) and / or poor camera location (even your "helpful" camera angle from behind is not DIRECTLY behind, where it would need to be). Tom (and to a lesser extent, I) spent an inordinate amount of time typing out all the information in the sticky so that people could post a useful video out of the box.

    Part of the Coachee / Coach relationship is that the Coachee (that's you) make a good-fatih effort to do what the coach (you know, the person with the knowledge) asks of you. I would suggest that you do so. The sooner you do, the faster your progress towards a techncally better lift becomes. Being coached, at its most basic level, is being criticized, accepting the criticism, and embodying it.

    On your knee travel: YES, it will mean a more open hip. But your knees need to go forward more - at least to just behind the toe. You're trying to squat with vertical shins, which is wrong. Your knees are jabbing forward at the bottom of each rep to roughly the correct place anyway - All I'm saying is get your knee to that place, and keep it there.
    Last edited by Steve Hill; 11-15-2015 at 09:41 AM.

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