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Thread: what's my target?

  1. #1
    Join Date
    Aug 2020

    Default what's my target?

    • starting strength seminar august 2024
    • starting strength seminar october 2024
    • starting strength seminar december 2024
    I love the radio network segments when someone opens with their stats and Rip immediately says "you need to gain this much weight and work up to these loads." So I'm here to subject myself to the same abuse.

    5'6" male, 54 y.o., ~192.

    I consider myself "intermediate" -- but only because if I add 5lb to every lift every workout, I can't recover sufficiently for the next workout. I'm able to add about 10 lbs. total in a given week and recover adequately -- I likely could do better than that and still recover, but it's hard to self-motivate because these weights already feel so damn heavy. I favor increases in the squat and DL over increases in the upper body lifts, but if I'm honest that's likely a fault in my self-programming.

    current 3 sets of 5 training lifts:
    • squat 335
    • DL 395
    • bench 195
    • press 125

    To round that out:
    • chins 3 sets of 7 (or 9-7-6)
    • power clean max 205
    • power snatch -- which I don't need to do but I think it's fun -- 135

    Vertical jump is 17", and frankly I was never much of an athlete, though I did run a ½-marathon when I was around 21. I'm the strongest now I've ever been in my life, thanks to your terrific guidance.

    So given my age and size, what should I target?


  2. #2
    Join Date
    Jul 2007
    North Texas


    I have never told anyone what loads they should work up to. Listen more carefully, and get as strong as you can. And buy the book, because you have some programming misunderstandings.

  3. #3
    Join Date
    May 2020


    You're so close to a 4-plate deadlift and a 1-plate press!

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