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Thread: squat form check.

  1. #1
    Join Date
    Oct 2017

    Default squat form check.

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    Hi guys, so i have been squatting for about a month and a half, recently I started experincing back pain in my lower right region.
    I don't feel the pain after the exercises but while coming up from the hole i can feel sort of a "pinch" in my right lower back side, i believe this is a technique issue..
    I would very much apperciate your cirtic, thanks!.

    height: ~179-180cm
    Hight bar squat 60kg:

  2. #2
    Join Date
    Mar 2017


    you shouldn't be doing highbar, it increases the tendency to have lumber flexion at the bottom ("ButtWink"), possibly why you have low back pain. Watch your butt tuck under you at the bottom. the reason for this is that high bar and ATG and especially ATG high bar squats cause you to round your low back to achieve that kind of depth. Switch over to low bar witch makes it much easier to achieve depth without rounding your low back. Also tha

  3. #3
    Join Date
    Dec 2016


    What is your training history? Back pain acute or developed over time? Is it getting worse? Why high bar squats? You are not doing the program.

  4. #4
    Join Date
    Oct 2017


    Quote Originally Posted by whale View Post
    What is your training history? Back pain acute or developed over time? Is it getting worse? Why high bar squats? You are not doing the program.
    No training history, this was the first time i ever felt any back pain, i didnt train for 3 days now and my back doesn't hurt anymore.
    I chose high-bar squats because the movement felt more natural than low-bar for me.
    I'm not actually running SS i started doing SL 5x5 a month and a half ago, I submited the question here because i know this is a serious forum and I would get solid responses.

    If you guys suggest i switch to low-bar i'll definitely do it, but do you think my back pain is a result of squatting high bar with my current technique?.

  5. #5
    Join Date
    Dec 2016


    I've seen much worse back positions under load which were not cause of the pain so it's hard to tell.

    SS LP is a better program than SL 5x5 in every segment. Your injury is probably coming from 5x5's and not eating enough.
    So I'd encourage you to start doing the SS with the low bar squat exactly as written in the program. Also by the end of SS LP which could last around 3-5 months you should be at ~95kg. So start eating and stop doing what feels natural to you.
    Also if back is giving you trouble, I'd start lighter on SS program to let it heal up completely and to practice low bar form since first you have to UNLEARN the high bar squat. So I'd start this week with ~30kg and increase by ~5kg first 2 weeks.

  6. #6
    Join Date
    Oct 2017


    Hi guys, I worked out today and switched my squat to low-bar and would like to hear opinions about my form.
    Here's a video:


  7. #7
    Join Date
    Oct 2017
    Washington DC


    Try the prescribed thumbs over grip, and get your wrists a bit straighter.

    When you unlock and begin the descent, you tend to exaggerate your hip flexion (driving your butt back, "presenting it", if you will), before you bend your knees. Might want to slow it down a tad, until you improve unlocking the hips and knees at the same time.

    Your stance might be bit off, looks like your knees are caving a bit, so you might just need to drive your knees out more, this may fix what I believe is a borderline depth issue.

    If your stance is wrong, (heels too close or too far apart, toes not pointed out enough or too much), this impinges the hip, or exceeds the extensibility of your muscles to keep your knees tracking properly, preventing you from getting low enough and/or caving the knees and/or leading to relaxation of the lumbar spine (I think you're doing this a bit too!), or other crazy shit. Take some time in your warmup to figure this out with an empty bar. And really focus on repeating the same stance every single time.

    Good luck!

  8. #8
    Join Date
    Oct 2017


    starting strength coach development program
    Hey guys, i have been squatting for a month now since i switched to low bar, I got up to 70kg squat and tried to improve my technique.
    thank you for any feedback you leave.
    70kg lb squat:

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