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Thread: Thoughts on Bill Starr's Throwers Program

  1. #1
    Join Date
    Dec 2009
    Wawa, PA

    Default Thoughts on Bill Starr's Throwers Program

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    I'm interested in competing in the Highland games. I'm basing my program around the "Strength Training for Throwers" article written by Bill Starr. I noticed that in PPST2 the example program in the back has the trainee switching off bench press and standing press. Starr only calls for the incline press in the article. By performing only the incline press, will I face constant stalling?

    NOTE: My gym does not have micro plates..

  2. #2
    Join Date
    Jan 2010


    Yes, I think you'd stall rather quickly if incline is all you do. However, that's why Starr calls for assistance exercises. Would you say you have a decent overhead press? If not, I'd personally work on keeping these in the program. And as always with the press, keep it heavy.

    (This is just my observation. I'm not a thrower.)

  3. #3
    Join Date
    Dec 2009


    You could always reduce the angle if you were stuck.

    I also dont think Starr is aiming this stuff at rank novices, progression on flat bench might not be very fast anyway for an intermediate. He probably also has variation in intensity in mind (heavy/light/medium) too.

    I just had a skim over the article and guess what I found?

    The steeper the incline the better since that high angle
    will be closer to the actual act of throwing. I have my athletes occasionally use a lower angle since I
    think slight changes are beneficial.
    So I guess you can change around the angle, use much heavier weights on flatter angles to spur progress at steeper angles.

  4. #4
    Join Date
    Dec 2009
    Wawa, PA


    Recently I was following 531, because time limitations with school. Here is where I left off from there:
    Squat: 380
    Dead: 415
    Press: 155
    Bench: 240

    I've set up a program with a 65%(Light), 90%(Heavy), 80%(Medium) split. Only incorporating 3 exercises: squat, incline, power clean. I can't attach the excel sheet here, but I'll happily mail it out to anyone that asks to review..

  5. #5
    Join Date
    Jan 2010


    And how much do you weigh? I'm inclined to say you should just keep at your bench and press.

  6. #6
    Join Date
    Dec 2009
    Wawa, PA


    Quote Originally Posted by jameson View Post
    And how much do you weigh? I'm inclined to say you should just keep at your bench and press.
    6'0" 215 lbs I know not exactly great numbers. Final restructuring Week A Squat, Bench, Power Clean, GHR/Back raises Week B Squat, Press, Dead, Rows/Pull-ups. I don't want to revert back to Texas Method, because volume day turned me into a miserable prick and left me exhausted for the rest of the day..

  7. #7
    Join Date
    Dec 2009


    Rip gives an example of a 3-day program for a Javelin thrower in PPST2 which includes:

    squats, presses, cleans, snatches & chins.

    Interesting that there is no Flat Benching here either.

  8. #8
    Join Date
    Jun 2009


    starting strength coach development program
    As someone with some experience as a thrower and as a guy who is also training for the Highland Games, I guess I'll add my two cents.

    You need to focus more on the the throws than your lifting routine. Not saying that you aren't. It is just that I have consistently out thrown guys who can beat me on every lift that matters. Skills pay the bills.

    As far as a lifting program goes, just do something that continues to let you get stronger. Focus on power cleans and snatches. Do some sprints. Practice your throws.

    Good luck.

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