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Thread: "The Iron Makes Us Strong" article...comment and question

  1. #1
    Join Date
    Sep 2019

    Default "The Iron Makes Us Strong" article...comment and question

    • starting strength seminar october 2024
    • starting strength seminar december 2024
    I did not see a link to this article on the bottom of the article ("Discuss on forum"), so if this needs to be moved, please do so

    COMMENT: I have a 13yo daughter. I can't wait to get her lifting, sooner vs later. Going to take some Jedi Mind tricks, but this article sealed the deal to kick up my efforts to get her in.

    QUESTION: Related to this paragraph...."One of these ladies in particular stands out in my mind for her drive and determination. Between her senior year of high school and freshman year of college she made the decision to join crew team. She was a high school swimmer who had used the Starting Strength method to improve her swim times and overall athletic capabilities. The summer training program she received from the crew coach was centered around large amounts of rowing with poorly planned high-rep weight lifting thrown in. Under our advisement she continued the SS program that she was already following and we tailored it a bit to meet her sport specific needs. She went off to school that August and made first boat varsity crew her first semester of freshman year. Sticking to the program and building her strength carried her though to that achievement."

    #1: Did you have any communication with the college staff on how the recommended program was going to be altered/amended?
    #2: Any high level comments on how you altered/amended the coach's program to fit SS, and how you 'tailored' it?


  2. #2
    Join Date
    Jul 2007
    North Texas


    Note the date on the article. Weekends are for Archives. We'll discuss among ourselves.

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