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Thread: Chris' Over 40 SS Log

  1. #1
    Join Date
    Nov 2010
    Lehigh Valley, PA

    Default Chris' Over 40 SS Log

    • starting strength seminar october 2024
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    Well, just barely over 40, I passed that milestone on Nov 3rd. I started my fitness journey nearly 2 years ago after ballooning up to 220 lbs, getting fat/weak and rupturing my Achilles heel playing volleyball.

    My initial foray into getting in shape was via P90X. I completed 2 rounds and went from 220 down to 172 and back to a 32" waist for the first time since my twenties. While I felt amazing and certainly made great progress in losing weight, I felt that my strength was still something to be desired so I began lifting heavy weights at the gym.

    I've been going this route for over a year, but sadly I am no different than the example Rip has in the book where guys go to the gym and do the same workout every time and make no real progress. I've been stalled for months and haven't really made any tangible gains.

    I recently stumbled on to SS, read the book and decided to give it a go after spending considerable time here lurking on the boards and reading the articles under the resources tab. I'm in my second week and decided I should keep a log here to document my progress on the program.

    I've decided I'll weigh in every Monday and log my work sets as I progress through the A/B routine.

    A = Squat/Bench/Rows/Weighted Chins
    B = Squat/Press/Deadlift/Back Extensions

    Starting weight = 170.8 I'll post my current next Monday after I weight in.

    So far so good. I've been progressing nicely through the workouts and primarily focusing on form. So far I've been able to get through the workouts with 2 minutes between sets, but I'm sure that will change as I get more advanced and my weights increase.

    As an added bonus, I haven't been getting sore yet but again, I'm sure that will change as weights go up.

    So, here's today's workout:

    Squat - 3 X 5 X 220
    Press - 3 X 5 X 112
    Deadlift - 1 X 5 X 290

    Looking forward to Thanksgiving and chowing down on some serious fowl!!

    Have a great Turkey Day and see you on Friday!


  2. #2
    Join Date
    Jul 2010
    London, England


    Have you specifically decided to avoid power cleans? It may be you have the 1st ed of SS.

  3. #3
    Join Date
    Nov 2010
    Lehigh Valley, PA


    Hi Joe. I want to do them but I don't know the technique. I'm waiting on the DVD so I can learn proper form. Once I do, I'll be adding them rather than doing BB rows.

  4. #4
    Join Date
    Nov 2010
    Lehigh Valley, PA


    Good morning. I've been slacking on my log, but not the workouts so here's my latest update.

    First let me start by saying that I'm currently reading PP and it really shed some light on the program in general. I must admit that after reading SS I was really confused as to whether I was still a novice or if I should be working out using an intermediate strategy. Well that's really cleared up now. Even though I'm no stranger to the gym, there's no doubt that I'm a novice trainee so I definitely know how to proceed from here

    As for the workouts, they are progressing nicely. Now before any of you laugh, I already broke a PR for me on the bench so I'm pleasantly surprised. My previous best was 1 X 3 X 195. I know, pretty crappy but my chest has always been my weak point. P90X may help you to do 40+ push ups really quickly, but it certainly doesn't build up chest strength. Anyway, I nailed 3 X 5 X 196 last night so I'm pretty stoked. The best part is I still had gas in the tank so I'm feeling really confident about SS in general. I admit, I was skeptical regarding this linear progression but it seems to be working for me thus far so I'll keep plugging away.

    I also need to film my technique so I can have you guys provide feedback. I want to ensure I'm doing squats with good form so look for those videos in the near future.

    As for last nights workout:

    Squat: 3 X 5 X 235
    Bench: 3 X 5 X 196
    BB Rows: 3 X 5 X 140
    Chins: 3 X 8 X (BW + 35)
    Dips: 3 X 8 X (BW + 25)

    I do plan on incorporating PC's into the workout but I need to watch the SS DVD first in order to learn the proper technique. I hope to get that done this week.

    One question, I'm on a T/Th/S schedule this week as we had relatives in from Fla on Monday and we went into NYC to do the Christmas window thing. I'd like to get back on a M/W/F schedule next week. Is it ok to get right back into it on Monday without 2 days rest over the w/e?


  5. #5
    Join Date
    Nov 2010
    Lehigh Valley, PA


    Oh and BTW, latest weigh in was 176. Looks like I'm already on the way up.....

    I just hope I can keep my BF% somewhat in check.

  6. #6
    Join Date
    Nov 2010
    Lehigh Valley, PA


    Good morning! Yesterday's workout was just rocking. I had one of those sessions where everything just went smoothly and felt incredibly awesome. Right in the middle of my last work set of squats, Metallica Seek And Destroy came on the radio and really got me pumped to crank out those last reps. What a jamming tune...

    I also received my copy of the SS DVD this week. I'm off to the basement now to watch/practice the section on power cleans. I've really been wanting to get these into my routine and plan on beginning tomorrow.

    Nutrition has been good this week and the Thanksgiving bloat subsided towards the middle of the week. Monday/Tuesday were bad as all that Guinness over the extended weekend began piling up around the mid-section. It's amazing how you can feel it packing on!

    Anyway, here was yesterday's workout.

    Squat: 3 X 5 X 240
    Press: 3 X 5 X 114
    Deadlift: 1 X 5 X 300

    Keep it real and have a great football Sunday.

    Go GIANTS!!!

  7. #7
    Join Date
    Nov 2010
    Lehigh Valley, PA


    Another great workout tonight. Added PC's but at low weight so I can practice and get the form down. Feeling good and strength is definitely increasing. I'm approaching PR territory for both my squat and BP.

    I've decided to add some goals so here they are, and I believe they are modest and attainable. By the end of Feb I want to be squatting 300 and bench pressing 220. Let's see if I can get there.

    Squat: 3 X 5 X 245
    BP: 3 X 5 X 198
    PC: 3 X 5 X 75
    Chins: 3 X 8 X BW + 36#
    Dips: 3 X 8 X BW + 30#

  8. #8
    Join Date
    Nov 2010
    Lehigh Valley, PA


    A little tired today from the long day at work and had to pick my car up from the dealership after getting off the bus so I got started a little later than usual. Tired as I was, still managed to tough it out and get through. I'm amazed how my strength is increasing and I'm now in PR territory each and every workout for SQ, DL & BP. OP has a little ways to go and I just started incorporating PC's so they will take some time to build up.

    Chewing on a chicken breast with 2 eggs over easy at the moment and man oh man, what a combination! I just love the taste of the runny yolk and chicken at the same time. Good stuff. Anyway, I digress.....

    SQ: 3 X 5 X 250
    OP: 3 X 5 X 115
    DL: 1 X 5 X 305

    Have a good evening!


  9. #9
    Join Date
    Jul 2010


    It's great you are making progress so strongly. I am in a similar territory to you on a lot of my lifts (minus my horribly weak deadlift) and feel I am really starting to slow down. And I'm only 21!

  10. #10
    Join Date
    Nov 2010
    Lehigh Valley, PA


    starting strength coach development program
    Quote Originally Posted by Subsistence View Post
    It's great you are making progress so strongly. I am in a similar territory to you on a lot of my lifts (minus my horribly weak deadlift) and feel I am really starting to slow down. And I'm only 21!
    Thanks Sub!

    I know it's still early going, but I truly feel that SS has given me focus in my workouts. While I was working out prior to beginning SS, I never understood how to truly make progress. The only pre-planning I did previously was determine which body part I would focus on prior to my workout. Other than that, I would merely bounce around to whatever machine was open and do whatever weight felt right given my current physical state during the workout.

    I never approached my workouts from a progressive viewpoint and my progress over the past year reflects that 100%. I'm merely 3 weeks in and already breaking through my previous best efforts after over a year of gettig there. This stuff really works....

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