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Thread: Starting strength for fat loss

  1. #1
    Join Date
    Oct 2014

    Default Starting strength for fat loss

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    Hello. Sorry to bother you with a question you've likely answered many times, but I was looking into Starting strength and I was wondering how effective the program would be for fat loss versus.Doing say...a 6 day all different body part split so I can be in the gym as frequently as possible to burn fat. I'm presently at 420 lbs and 6'11. Roughly 235 lbm so my bf is in the 40's percentage wise. I am dramatically undertrained in both squat and deadlift as my bench is higher then both. So should I shed the fat before starting or am I so raw I can still do the program? I want to be in the shape of an nfl linebacker so I know I need my strength up. But I don't want to ruin my beginning gain a by trying to eat at a deficit and lift the program*

  2. #2
    Join Date
    Jun 2013
    Sydney, Australia


    I also started SS with a body fat in the 40s, and for me I progressed quite quickly with very little food and lost a bunch of fat. Think of it as "pre bulking" so you should have plenty of stored energy for your workouts.

    Just proceed as outlined in the book, get strong, and by the time your squat gets north of 275 you'll probably be sitting in high 20s/low 30s for BF, and you can re-assess from there.

    good luck

  3. #3
    Join Date
    Aug 2012
    New York


    I'm using SS on a trainee presently for fat loss. Diet is extremely important. If you don't eat cleanly, you'll get stronger but not much leaner. You'll probably find that your body firms up a little bit as you gain muscle - the fat loss will follow if you take your diet seriously.

  4. #4
    Join Date
    Jul 2014


    Congrats on the start of your weight loss journey. Compound movements as presented in SS, done in lower rep ranges as the linear progression program entails, will help retain the large skeletal muscle that you already have. A six day split does not take advantage of your ability as a novice to hit most larger muscles multiple times per week.

    A general principle espoused by Jordan (in the Nutrition subforum) is to make the simplest changes possible, then add volume / cardio as necessary when you are stalling on your goals. Where do you go after a six day split in terms of complexity? You can probably lose 50+ pounds by just following the Starting Strength program with a moderate deficit, and only if this isn't working should you be worried about more involved measures.

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