I was reading this thread, and Rip had a pretty good idea for me because I can't squat (motorcycle accident limits mobility of one knee).
Rip from 01-31-2008:
"An interesting situation, in many ways. If I were you, I'd just make deadlift my primary lift. I'd vary the reps and sets, and don't try to program it in a linear fashion like squats. Go to a weekly programming that has you PR every Monday and Friday on the different reps. It won't work as well as the squat, but it will be better than nothing."
I can deadlift because the knee is OK at higher angles. I'm unsure of how best to follow his advice on that. I'm just beginning, and on my 4th workout. I have the books (done with SS, I'm halfway through PracProg), just unsure how best to program this. Any help?