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Thread: Annoying Shoulder and upper arm pain

  1. #1
    Join Date
    Feb 2010

    Default Annoying Shoulder and upper arm pain

    • starting strength seminar december 2024
    • starting strength seminar february 2025
    • starting strength seminar april 2025
    Photo 7.jpg

    Photo 6.jpg

    Photo 9.jpg

    So I'm getting a nagging pain in all those areas I'm pointing to in the pics. The first pic it's the bone region right beside the trap muscle. The pain is in my right shoulder. I'm pretty sure it stemmed from when I was training about 3 weeks ago and I was squatting low bar but had the uprights set too high...this resulted in me having to reach up with my right side to rack my heavy work set. I can recall feeling a strain in my shoulder when this happened. To make matters worse I benched after and felt uncomfortable with 145. I decided to try my 195 work set anyway which I had previously gotten 2 x 5 on and wasn't even able to get 1 rep.

    I took a week off from training hoping the uncomfortableness would go away but it didn't. I did a light workout when I returned to the gym and I actually OHp'd and without much discomfort (although wasn't able to press for as many reps as usual) , but refrained from Deadlifting that day. On my last ohp set and rep though i lowered the bar in an uncontrolled manner much to quickly and I felt the strain going down my arm so that might have prolonged this nagging pain. I took another week off after this session and once again the pain did not completely disappear. I trained this past monday and was able to train through it, however once again my press was harder..maybe it was just cause of fear of this pain when pressing but i was only able to get 135 - 3/3/2 when I was able to get 135 x 3 x 5 pretty easily before this.

    I'll feel a sharp, yet almost tingly type pain anywhere down the middle of the arm between the 2nd and 3rd pics, mostly i get it in those areas i'm pointing to. I've done a bit of the 1st shoulder stretch shown in this video - I don't think it's really helped. A lot of time's I'll just be sitting on my computer and I'll feel some mild pain in the areas in those pics. I was able to do a semi-light chest workout DB pressing today and it didn't hurt that much while i was pressing the pain pretty much just comes randomly, eg. as i type this I'm feeling some pain in the area shown in the 2nd pic. I'm just scared that this may potentially lead to a somewhat serious injury.
    Last edited by RP89; 06-30-2010 at 10:17 PM.

  2. #2
    Join Date
    Feb 2010
    St. Thomas, Ontario


    Looks exactly like the injury I've had for the past 4 months...

  3. #3
    Join Date
    Mar 2010


    I've had a similar injury recently too, which again seems to have been exasperated by the squat. I think I've figured it out, and I'm actually going to start a new thread in a moment about it. But I believe my problem was actually to do with squat grip width being, strangely enought TOO WIDE.
    But hunt down the thread.

  4. #4
    Join Date
    Mar 2010


    I have this problem from time to time while still on SS, specifically regarding the 3rd picture.

    For me, it seems to react during my squats. The way I deal with it is warm up with shoulder dislocation exercises like the ones shown in the link u provided, and paying close attention on my grip on the squat.

    Try to focus your squat grip just above your wrist.

    If its bad enough, i try to power through my squat session and call it a day.

  5. #5
    Join Date
    Dec 2009

    Default same problem


    I have the same problem, also exacerbated by the grip on squats. Now my bench press is completely weakened.

    So if anybody else has got any advice, please let us know.

  6. #6
    Join Date
    Feb 2010


    this pain just resurfaced from me due to BP and OHP b/c I just started hitting the gym again..only in my right shoulder/arm still... should I see a physio? ART? What do I do...

  7. #7
    Join Date
    Sep 2010


    Same problem here and it was from not having proper shoulder felxibility for low bar squatting. I've raised the bar a bit on my back and it's better. I do shoulder dislocations many times a week and throughout my workouts. I also have to avoid dips and narrow grip bench to the chest while it's tweaked. I've found pressing, even heavy, makes it feel better.

    It wouldn't hurt to see a physio, but be wary of him telling you to just rest, since that obviously hasn't fixed it. I think you need to work through it.

  8. #8
    Join Date
    Aug 2009


    starting strength coach development program
    Same issues here. I have to sometimes remind myself to widen my grip on squats. Just got done with light day on TM and I'm feeling it on both arms. Historically it has been limited to my left arm. Also, make sure when you press you bring the bar down in a controlled manner close to your face, not away from your body.

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