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Thread: Killer Instinct

  1. #1
    Join Date
    Feb 2010
    Colorado Springs

    Default Killer Instinct

    • starting strength seminar october 2024
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    From my log:
    "I feel like I've lost the killer instinct for squats (if I ever had it). I feel like I'm yelling at a kid in the outfield who is picking dandelions, and the kid is me. I just want me to leave myself alone."

    I didn't feel this way when I was making rapid progress (adding 40lbs to my squat in just a few weeks) doing linear progression.
    I'm doing 5-3-1 and find squatting 1x per week makes that effort a real bother.

    It's harder than hell to focus on a fly ball after you've been staring at the ground.

    On the other hand, I'm awfully happy with my chin ups lately and my other lifts aren't terrible compared to when I was on the other program. And I can run a mile in 8 1/2 minutes again.

    Any ideas on how to gin up that killer instinct?

  2. #2
    Join Date
    Sep 2008


    Wayno, a long time ago on these boards (methinks), I read a poster who pointed out that Starting Strength was a brutal program at the end of the novice progression, because each time you got done just barely lifting what felt like a ton, you had to start mentally preparing yourself to lift even more in two days. Going intermediate was blessed relief to that poster. My own two cents is that successful squatting requires a real mental toughness, and no less because you're doing a 5/3/1 instead. Remember to take a break now and then, eat lots of fats to keep your spirit up, and then keep on marching.

  3. #3
    Join Date
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    Colorado Springs


    The funny thing is 5-3-1 builds breaks (light weeks) in every 4 weeks. I've only been on the program a short time but it seems like it's after the breaks that I have the most trouble. I'm pretty sure Rip talks about squats responding to volume more so than the other lifts and I'm wondering if I need to add another squat day each week, maybe even a light day would help.
    I know a lot of people squat once a week and are fine with it.
    Anyway, I think I was pretty close to over training before so I may still be better off this way.
    I do feel stronger as I progress through the 3 intensity ramp up weeks. I guess time will tell if I'm making progress this way.

  4. #4
    Join Date
    Nov 2009
    Washington, DC


    Where is Gary to recommend a Smolov cycle for ya?

    What gets me motivated is to find someone that is similary strong, maybe a bit smaller/lighter, and watch them do 20 reps at 20 lbs over my PR.

    I imagine these people will be harder to find as I improve my squat.

  5. #5
    Join Date
    Feb 2010
    Colorado Springs


    There was a guy here squatting 405 for reps a few weeks ago. I did talk to him a little bit. Maybe he can kick my ass into shape.
    Honestly though, I just don't seem to have the aggression I need, and it's not over training... if anything it feels like not enough. Physically I feel pretty good, keeping the body weight up, enjoying my other lifts (well, who really "enjoys" dead lifts?).
    I've also been just listening to the radio station they have on at the gym. If they go to a commercial right when I'm getting ready to lift it takes all of the air out of me. Time to start taking the IPod.

  6. #6
    Join Date
    May 2008


    Quote Originally Posted by ColoWayno View Post
    From my log:
    "I feel like I've lost the killer instinct for squats (if I ever had it). I feel like I'm yelling at a kid in the outfield who is picking dandelions, and the kid is me. I just want me to leave myself alone."

    I didn't feel this way when I was making rapid progress (adding 40lbs to my squat in just a few weeks) doing linear progression.
    I'm doing 5-3-1 and find squatting 1x per week makes that effort a real bother.

    It's harder than hell to focus on a fly ball after you've been staring at the ground.

    On the other hand, I'm awfully happy with my chin ups lately and my other lifts aren't terrible compared to when I was on the other program. And I can run a mile in 8 1/2 minutes again.

    Any ideas on how to gin up that killer instinct?

    Try adding a light squat as a warmup on your deadlift day. Do all but the last set of what will be your squat workout that week. I have done this with success. I just can't squat once a week. I need more frequency.

  7. #7
    Join Date
    Apr 2009


    Try walking out a weight that is about 50lbs over your work-set, or more. Something heavy enough that you KNOW you CANNOT squat and will flatten you if you're not careful. Walk it out, feel it, and rack it again. Then squat your work set.

    Or try ammonia?

  8. #8
    Join Date
    May 2010


    Alternate screaming "LIGHTWEIGHT" and "NOTHING BUT A PEANUT" until someone asks you to stop.

    Snarl at them and squat!

  9. #9


    Quote Originally Posted by Joel Chapman View Post
    Try adding a light squat as a warmup on your deadlift day. Do all but the last set of what will be your squat workout that week. I have done this with success. I just can't squat once a week. I need more frequency.
    This is a very good idea.

    When I have healed, I will probably do this.

    Light SQ = nice for speed work + recovery + warm up for deadlift

  10. #10
    Join Date
    Sep 2008


    starting strength coach development program
    I did 5 3 1 and didn't like it for similar reasons you talk about, I found squatting only once a week got me out of the groove. I also tended to mess things up with the assistance by either burning myself or not doing enough stuff.

    On a side note there are certain things I don't agree with Jim Wendler , like taking planned deloads when you are novice, as he often reccomends 5 3 1 for rank novices. Also for people who do solely barbell as their activity or in the off season like for me rugby, I don't like his mantra of taking it slow and steady, especially for novices and early intermediates. Last year I had effectively 4 months of off season, before preseson pratices, so i did nothing but weights, I added around 110kg to my squat in this time, if i had done the 5 3 1 with my four months I doubt i would have got near that especially when you're only squatting once a week and deloading every four, i would have only squatted properly 12 times, whereas on ss I squatted around 50 times in this period. This was important for me to think short term not long term, because otherwise I would have to wait another year before getting the same time and may have not made it into my rugby team. However in other times I totally agree with his mantra especially when you are during the season, older, more advanced to avoid stalling all the time ect.

    Also I have the 5 3 1 football book and in the off season program it has you squatting, pressing and benching at 75% of 90% of you're 1rm the following day after the heavy set e.g mon day squat 5's week (85%) then wednesay after say bench you do 75% squat. However you don't do 75% of the deadlift you just do 75% of the squat again.

    Hope that helps
    Last edited by beast; 06-16-2010 at 04:12 PM. Reason: Additions

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