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Thread: 5-3-1 Run

  1. #1
    Join Date
    Mar 2008
    The Squat Rack

    Default 5-3-1 Run

    • starting strength seminar october 2024
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    Okay so I have been doing a modified TM/linear progression with good results. Problem is I am starting medical school in a month or so and have received a scholarship through the military. SOO I need to maintain instead of gain weight, I need to integrate more running, and I need to shorten workout times, but I still have strength goals to hit. While I won't start this for another 2-3 weeks (moving to school) I wanted to start to formulate a plan and see if anyone had suggestions.

    I will lift 4 days a week, 1 main lift, 1-3 accessory lifts. Main lifts: LB BS, Press, DL, Bench. The structure for them with 531 is pretty straight forward, but I am not 100% on my accessory lifts. For BS day I was thinking hill running, my new place is on a nasty hill and that will help my running for military pft. DL day, chin and pull ups, maybe rows? I plan on warming up power cleans for DLs fwy. Press and bench day I am not sure... kroc rows? that seems more DL though. Maybe some gymnastics drills? Ring supports, dips, lever progressions? Push-up stuff for PFT?

    So in the end it looks something like this:
    hill sprints

    Gymnastics work?


    rows/kroc rows?

    tabata push-ups?
    handstand progressions?

    This way I can keep workouts to less than an hour cause i don't know if i will have more time than that...

    Anyways any comments or thoughts are appreciated

  2. #2
    Join Date
    Jan 2009
    San Francisco


    Congrats Robert, thats quite an achievement!

    I would ask Ryan Dell Whitley for some advice on melding strength training with running/military PFT stuff. I"ve used some of the ideas he's thrown around in various threads throughout the years and its worked pretty well for me so far. He's still a lot stronger than me though...bastard.

  3. #3
    Join Date
    Jun 2010


    Put rows with MP and chins with BP. Lunge or BSS or Front squat w DL, RDL or GM with Squat. I think you'll find progress and recovery easier that way.

    I don't claim to be a grand poobah for running, etc. but I do run if for no other reason than running/weightlifting are like steak and eggs. They just go together.

    Wake up-run

    Monday-2 mile run, SS
    Tuesday-4 mile run, might/maybe do hills, sled, or sprints in pm
    Weds-1 mile run, SS
    Thursday-5 mile run, ?sled/hill/sprint?
    Friday-3 mile run, SS
    Saturday-6 mile run

    All runs are done for time (I'm not looking for Olympic times here, but I'm not jogging either)

    I also discovered 4-5 yoga thingamabob's that help when I'm getting tight. I don't do them reguarly, but if I feel the need I'll spend a few minutes stretching out for a week or so and it really does make a difference.

    P.S.-I used 5/3/1 with great success last year. Made an unfortunate choice to try a kettlebell only program for the past 6 months and have gone to SS to regain lost strength

  4. #4
    Join Date
    Jun 2009


    I think you're on the right track, but you probably need to run more. And you will also have to do more bodyweight exercises. Maybe something like this:

    Sprints (400m X 8)

    Bodyweight Circuit

    5k (Go as fast as you can, or do it fartlek style. Don't jog)

    Sprints (800m x 4)

    Bodyweight Circuit

    I have done this successfully in the past. The "Big but Boring" program in 5-3-1 also works pretty well in this, as long as you're eating right and not going to heavy on the 5x10. I did power cleans before my BS and DL days. Congrats on getting into school. Heaven knows the military needs more Docs right now.

  5. #5
    Join Date
    Feb 2010


    Quote Originally Posted by Ryan Dell Whitley View Post
    I think you're on the right track, but you probably need to run more. And you will also have to do more bodyweight exercises. Maybe something like this:

    Sprints (400m X 8)

    Bodyweight Circuit

    5k (Go as fast as you can, or do it fartlek style. Don't jog)

    Sprints (800m x 4)

    Bodyweight Circuit

    I have done this successfully in the past. The "Big but Boring" program in 5-3-1 also works pretty well in this, as long as you're eating right and not going to heavy on the 5x10. I did power cleans before my BS and DL days. Congrats on getting into school. Heaven knows the military needs more Docs right now.
    If I may ask--what kind of bodyweight circuits did you do? Were these upper-body only, or including body-weight squats, lunges, etc. (something along the lines of CF's "Cindy" perhaps)?

    Also, did you have a set time/recovery period in mind for your 400m and 800m sprints? Or were these simply "level of effort"--fast and hard relative to the day in question?

    I'm currently considering doing a 531 program with interval runs/hill sprints/tempo runs on the Press and Bench Press days, but am wondering if it's better to do all of the leg-intensive work in a single day, and then have 2 days to rest the lower body in between.


  6. #6
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    Jun 2009


    I'll be completely honest with you: I don't think it really matters. When I do circuits, I try to make sure they are a full body (meaning upper and lower body) workout. I get most of my ideas for circuits from Ross Enamait's books. His "GPP drills" are killer. CF circuits are fine, and my circuits usually are two to three exercises done for 10-20 minutes. I like using kettlebells, medicine balls, sandbags, and plyo boxes in my circuits as well. But I leave the barbells for my strength work.

    Running...I usually will make my rest times equal to my first interval. So this means on a 400m I'll usually keep the rest at about 1:00, even though my times will get progressively slower. You can also do intervals on a treadmill. I did this all winter and was surprised how effective it was. I would do 1:1 rest/work cycles varying the times from 1:00-3:00. Instead of a 5k I would swim in the pool. There are tons of options.

    I switched my runs to bench/press days as well when I added power cleans on my squat/DL days. But I don't really think it matters.

  7. #7
    Join Date
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    The Squat Rack


    Thanks guys for the input!

    Fortunately I don't have OBLC till next summer, and I am a decent runner by nature. That said it has been a while since I did much running, so I was planning on starting with just the hill sprints and letting myself acclimate to those a bit first. Probably in 6-8 months when I get closer to OBLC (where I will actually be tested on my run) I will ramp up the running and the template that has been provided

    Until then though I was wondering what other people use for their assistance work for 531. I do like the idea of using Body weight metcons, but still want to do some other stuff too. I believe it is supposed to be 1-3 assistance exercises per main lift and that it is supposed to work the same muscle groups. hence rows after DL, push-ups after bench. I guess it will come down to me just trying some things out and seeing what works, but any input is always appreciated!

    Thank you all for your comments!

  8. #8
    Join Date
    Jun 2009


    Not trying to be contrary, but have you read 5-3-1? There are several different programs that are discussed in detail. I think you are referring to the program called "The Triumvirate." It has three assistance exercises like you are describing. There are also other programs as well. Get the manual if you don't have it.

    Unfortunately, running hill sprints won't make you a better runner. Just like circuits won't make you better at running. They will definitely increase your cardiovascular capabilities, and of course make you better at running hill sprints. But you should definitely do more sport specific training, i.e. running fast on a flat surface. Hill sprints train a different movement pattern than you will be using on your PFT. You're going to do what you're going to do, but I don't want to see you set yourself up for failure.
    Last edited by Ryan Dell Whitley; 06-26-2010 at 03:27 PM.

  9. #9
    Join Date
    May 2010


    starting strength coach development program
    Quote Originally Posted by Ryan Dell Whitley View Post
    I think you're on the right track, but you probably need to run more. And you will also have to do more bodyweight exercises. Maybe something like this:

    Sprints (400m X 8)

    Bodyweight Circuit

    5k (Go as fast as you can, or do it fartlek style. Don't jog)

    Sprints (800m x 4)

    Bodyweight Circuit

    I have done this successfully in the past. The "Big but Boring" program in 5-3-1 also works pretty well in this, as long as you're eating right and not going to heavy on the 5x10. I did power cleans before my BS and DL days. Congrats on getting into school. Heaven knows the military needs more Docs right now.
    What kind of strength results can you expect from this workout? I'm on my 8th week of SS and need to figure out a program that will work at getting stronger and allow me to pass the AF fitness assessment.

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