What was the diagnosis?
Felt a sharp pain going down a set of stairs. Weight bearing hurt for about 20 meters. Can walk and run with no pain. Sitting down and standing up sucks. Stairs suck and bodyweight squats suck at about 50-60 degrees. Pain is sharp and knee feels tight internally. Knee aches for a while after I tested with bodyweight squats. The pain surrounds my my patella and behind it. Saw a doc today and set up for PT. How should I proceed with lower body?
What was the diagnosis?
Doc says based on physical exam findings it is consistent with a meniscus tear. No imaging ordered pending outcome of acute physical therapy treatment.
Then I guess "lower body" is Physical Therapy.
Got it, RIP. Thanks!
Ok, so ROM is good but pain is significant especially in the squat. It feels like something is caught in my joint at about 50 degrees but stops short of actuall catching. Should I push through?
What does your PT advise?
First appt is 9 July.
Only a week.