THat DL looked pretty easy for you, Dave :-)
Congrats on the PR!
As for me, PR yesterday of Squat 380x3. Technique could have been better, but I got it.
Good lifting Dave321, and to enlightened, all out limits sets most of the time never look like text book form, but the key is that you got, those type of sets build resolve and determination. Here's a strict SOP video of mine, a couple of heavy singles after going all out on my 5/3/1 work sets. Pretty happy with this considering my all time pb is 90kg/1 when fresh, and I was able to hit 87.5kg/1 in a fatigued state and I had more in me.
For the love of the Barbell Gods, drop that suicide grip.
Yeah, I know. but I find that any time I've used the thumbs around the bar grip, it's started to irritate my shoulders. I'm assuming it might be a lack of flexibility ? . Jim does recommend that grip for SOP, but again that's not why I've been using it.