Check out Thefinalsql's log. If I'm not mistaken, he took his squat to 500+ for sets on linear progression.
Assume a completely detrained, sedentary adult male with no previous weight lifting experience. After 3-4 months of following SS, what are the absolute best 1RM numbers possible? I understand that this is heavily dependent on genetics, but I'm still curious...
Check out Thefinalsql's log. If I'm not mistaken, he took his squat to 500+ for sets on linear progression.
Thefinsql and John2336 both got their squat up to five hundred on linear progression. Can't think of anyone else, though.
It takes serious dedication and hardwork (and, probably, some favorable genetics) to do it, though.
And what were their starting numbers? More than 135, surely?
On squats I started empty bar, 95lbs, 110lbs and 5lb increments after that. I been going on linear progression for 22 months. Taking breaks here and of course.
I would say at 6'4", big frame, 350ish lbs that I have favorable genetics to lifting weights.
600 3x3 is only 35lbs away.
John is also a big boy, so this seems to be the thing in common. Guys that start SS from the bottom (145 and below) will probably not get this far unless they are freaks. Justin from 70's big went all the way to 450 or something, and he's not huge or anything. But he had previous lifting experience.
your boy here went from 90kg to 150kg 3x5... started at 6'0 195lbs, finished at 235lbs. Started 'cutting' when i got to TM. my squat is now 165kg 5x5 and i'm at 210lbs.
I'm not an authority and you are all stronger than me but please don't let anybody think that SS will lead to 500 squat. It won't and most of the guys who reach this are definetely not your 140/6' kid. They probably have experience and are already muscular.
When I was starting out I heard about that guy Justin who got to 435 ot so. And I though that I will reach that. I didn't since I started with 95 squat and later I found out that he was squatting 315+ before doing LP.
Also the clarification article says it all - except to add 200 pounds to your squat and that's it.