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Thread: Long Road to Recovery

  1. #1
    Join Date
    May 2017
    Charleston, SC

    Default Long Road to Recovery

    • starting strength seminar august 2024
    • starting strength seminar october 2024
    • starting strength seminar december 2024
    Hey all,

    Just wanted to post this and sort of establish myself and my situation because I'll certainly have many questions and form checks to come soon. I'm a male and almost 18 years old and I ran an LP when I was about 16 before I tore my ACL playing football this past year and, after having it reconstructed via a patellar tendon graft, tore it again playing lacrosse about 5 months post op. I had a second surgery in April and got a quad graft taken from the same knee (the right) and I'll be in physical therapy until probably the end of this year or later.

    I've been in contact with Dr. Petrizzo about all of this and I was hoping to begin training as soon as possible but unfortunately my parents are so scared that I'll hurt myself again that they won't allow me to do anything until my therapist approves it, which will be months. Rip has answered a couple of my questions on the podcast about it but for now I'm stuck in a holding pattern and just doing some upper body lifts until I can begin squatting and deadlifting, at which point I'll essentially start from scratch with a new LP and try to put some weight and muscle back on.

    Anyway, that's where I am as of now. I've been on the forum for a couple of years but I plan to start posting some and reading a lot (planning to be a coach eventually). I'll put more updates on this thread as I progress.

    BW: 155lbs :/ (down from 175 before the operations)

  2. #2
    Join Date
    Jul 2007
    North Texas


    I don't see a question here.

  3. #3
    Join Date
    May 2017
    Charleston, SC


    Well, it has been about a year and a half since my revision ACL and meniscus surgery, and yesterday I PRed my deadlift at 405x5 on a HLM program from PPST. I was very skinny and weak after basically going through two years of surgery and diminished ability due to my knee. I got back on LP after a reasonable time in PT and took my bodyweight from 155 to 195 now in this last year. My lifts actually came back somewhat quickly thanks to having done LP before surgery (shows how profound the structural changes due to strength training are), and now my lifts are progressing smoothly and I'm stronger than I've ever been. It's been a less than desirable road but now I'm back on track. It can be very daunting to face major injuries and doubt your ability to fully recover the ability to lift heavy again, but hopefully this can serve as some inspiration to anyone going through something similar.

    405x5 - YouTube

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