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Time for me to get really serious. My deadline to fulfill this year's goal of raw squatting 405 is coming up (12/31/2011). My plan for the remaining three weeks of the year (all other lifts will be deloaded a bit to focus on the squat):
This week:
(12/12): Squat: 5x5 ramp sets to 375
Bench: 5x5 ramp sets to 210
Rows: 5x5 ramp sets to 210
(12/14): Squat: 4x5 ramp sets to 280
OHP: 4x5 ramp sets to 135
RDL: 5x5 ramp sets to 365
(12/16): Squat: 5x3 ramp sets to 385
Bench: 5x3 ramp sets to 215
Row: 5x3 ramp sets to 215
Next week:
(12/19): Squat: 5x5 ramp sets to 385
Bench: 5x5 ramp sets to 185
Rows: 5x5 ramp sets to 185
(12/21): Squat: 4x5 ramp sets to 290
OHP: 4x5 ramp sets to 140
Deadlift: 1x5 ramp sets to 425
(12/23): Squat: 5x3 ramp sets to 395
Bench: 5x3 ramp sets to 195
Row: 5x3 ramp sets to 195
Final week:
(12/26): Squat: 5x5 ramp sets to 395
Bench: 5x5 ramp sets to 195
Rows: 5x5 ramp sets to 195
(12/28): Squat: 4x5 ramp sets to 295
OHP: 4x5 ramp sets to 135
(12/30): Squat: 5x3 ramp sets to 405
Bench: 5x3 ramp sets to 225
Row: 5x3 ramp sets to 225
Planning to increase body weight from current 185 lbs to 190 lbs by year's end on a 3500-4500 cal diet consisting of steak, rice, sweet potatoes, peanut butter. Hoping weightlifting shoes will be given before xmas and just in time for the big day. No need to wish me luck. I'm a nail it.