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Thread: Bo's Training Log

  1. #1
    Join Date
    Jun 2012

    Default Bo's Training Log

    • starting strength seminar december 2024
    • starting strength seminar february 2025
    • starting strength seminar april 2025
    29 year old male, 5'8", 175lb.

    Started Wendler back in June 2011 with the following training maxes

    Deadlift = 355
    Press = 155
    Squat = 270
    Bench = 210

    So in the last year i have come off of wendler a few times to switch to CF and CF Football a couple of times each. I ran various templates with Wendler such the regular 4 day per week, two day per week with two lifts per day, 3 day per week full body, 3 day per week full body (letter to my younger self version), and am currently running a straight 3-day per week template with one lift per day.

    This template works better for me because of some serious adrenal issues i faced a while back as a result of some serious overtraining.

    I've reset my lifts a couple of times (mostly when I have come back to Wendler after switching programs) and upped my weights by more than the recommended 5/10lb a couple of times (pushing the weight up on the top end sets).

    All in all, Wendler 3 days per week powerlifting variation (switch the 3 and 5 weeks)works best for me and my schedule. Allows for recovery and flexability with life.

    Here are the last few workouts that i have had.

    Deadlift 1-3 (cycle 1, day of 3's) (I restart the cycle count when i don't do wendler consecutively)
    270x3, 310x3, 345x8

    Front Squats:
    150x8, 175x8, 200x6
    Band Pull Aparts between sets x lots

    reverse hyper, abs, more band pull aparts

    Press (1-3) (football bar row between sets x10)
    105x3, 120x3, 135xmax (5) (recently hurt shoulder so this has taken a dip)

    Close grip bench (chinups with 20# chain between sets x 6-10 reps)
    135x8, 155x8, 180x6

    Curls 2x20 (bicep tendon health)
    band pull aparts 2xlots

    Squat (1-3)
    260x3, 295x3, 330x7 (ties PR)

    150x8, 175x8, 200x6
    hanging leg raise between sets x 10 reps w/ 10# chain

    reverse hyper 3x20, band pull aparts 3xlots

    Bench (1-3) (chinups w/ 20# chain between all sets x 6-10 reps)
    155x3, 180x3, 200x5 (not a PR, should still shakey, PR was 225x7)

    Football Bar Press (football bar row between sets 185x10x4)
    85x8, 100x8, 115x6

    tricep pushdown with band 3x20
    curls 3x20
    band pull aparts 3xlots
    Last edited by bhornback10; 06-13-2012 at 07:26 AM.

  2. #2
    Join Date
    Jun 2012



    Deadlift (1-5)
    250x5, 290x5, 330x5 (no max reps per PL template)

    Front Squat:
    125x10, 150x10, 175x10
    Paired with Band Pull Aparts

    Reverse Hyper 3x20
    Core Work 3x20
    Band Pull Aparts 3x lots

    Session felt good. Getting better at getting set in the bottom of my DL.
    Last edited by bhornback10; 06-13-2012 at 06:20 PM.

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