I would check out Andy's website www.BakerStrengthCoaching.com
He has a great series of articles on HLM.
I am looking for some advice about a HLM program with a focus on OHP instead of bench to eventually get into strongman sometime at the start of 2015. I also get some nagging shoulder injury flare ups when I bench heavy to frequently, so I am not sure about percentages for light day benching.
My basic idea for the program
Day 1 Heavy
Squat 3x5 @80%
Push Press 3x5 @80%
Deadlift 1x5 @80%
Submax Chins/Dips
Day 3 Light
Squat 3x5 @-20% of Day 1 or Front Squats. Though I am having some trouble choosing %'s for FS (please advise)
Close Grip Bench possibly 3x8 just for more volume at lower intensity since I have trouble handing higher intensities
Powerclean 5x3 light
body weight Chins/Dips for reps 1-2 left in tank
Day 5 Medium
Squat 3x5 @-10% of Day 1
Push press 3x5 @-10% of Day 1's weight
Power Cleans 5x3
Chins/Dips weighted
I will also be throwing in two conditioning sessions with light prowler sprints.
I would check out Andy's website www.BakerStrengthCoaching.com
He has a great series of articles on HLM.
I believe both Starr and Andy Baker suggest that when you choose Heavy, Light, and Medium Day exercises that differ from each other, those exercises should be pushed hard on their respective days. So go hard on Front Squats on your light day. Even though you are putting in maximal effort it is still considered a Light Day exercises because you will be handling less weight than the normal squat (you may consider lowering volume a bit, 3x3, if you are having trouble recovering)
For press what about:
Heavy: Incline or Normal Bench
Light: Overhead Press
Medium: Push Press
Maybe try to keep some benching in the program. Its a good overload movement for the press, even push press.
This is a good idea. To piggyback off of it, instead of push pressing 2x a week you might find 1 day of push pressing and 1 day of strict pressing to be beneficial - you'll see a lot of strongman competitors that train that way. My push press was always lagging a bit behind until I started adding in some strict pressing, then it caught up quickly and I managed to take 1st in the log press in my next meet.