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Thread: Incorporation of Sprinting

  1. #1
    Join Date
    May 2013
    Aiken, SC

    Default Incorporation of Sprinting

    • starting strength seminar october 2024
    • starting strength seminar december 2024
    • starting strength seminar february 2025
    Squat 5RM: Workset is 185 coming out of injury, was ~285 prior.
    Bench press: 3x(5x195)
    Deadlift: 335x5
    Press: 5x135 on good days
    Power clean: 5x(3x115) (New to lift, learned form correctly this time).
    Chinups: Peaked 16, currently 8-10

    History: Long time fat kid, leaned up and got strongish on LP about a year and a half ago, enlisted Navy, lost much strength, now balance dumbass work PT with another shot at LP and a little side conditioning. Doing LP with the slightly modified lower volume middle day (to compensate for dumb PT and effect on lower body) using Front Squat instead of deloaded back squat.
    Diet: Stable, shitty chow hall food. Happy to meet macro goals. Slight gain right now as just finished PRT cycle, had to make weight.

    Major goals and concerns: Can't become a 242 badass any time soon, otherwise weight gain is fine for around four to six months. Aiming to preserve or improve upon 10:00 mile and half, don't give two fucks about dumbass calisthenics, want to get really good at <800M distances, i.e. <10s 100M, <25s 200M, <40.9 300M, <1:00 400M, 2:15-2:30 800M. The main time that matters is the 300M (that's a specific standard of a profession I'm aiming at a few years from now). Otherwise, they are all just means to improve run economy, VO2 Max, and burn some adipose (circumstances exclude a Prowler, and I don't own a car to push either). Overall, being a main lift badass (225/225/315/405/515), being technically sound on the real Olympic lifts, and combining the previous run standards with at least 10-15 chin/pull-ups and necessary calisthenic dumbshit for work is the desired end-state.

    I'm not really worried about evaluation course specific demands as I have none in the immediate future and view the preceding standards as attainable but fairly high, and also believe that they constitute a good base to deviate from in instances where more specificity is required, as in a ruck-heavy tryout course or something more swim-run intensive than upper body. Conversely, will have more room to bulk and strong up when work takes on a desk jockey character here and there.

    I prepped for my most recent PRT by running no greater than 800M in one effort but doing it all at at least 6:00 mile pace and using a 1:3 work/rest interval... Could have stood to use 1:5, perhaps, but I blew away previous runs by minutes without the hours and miles that distance athletes do. My body is still intact, too, which is a nice addition.

    How do I incorporate sprinting and short-distance run, "non-sprint" events (400-800M) into LP without fucking up the GainzZzz? If I'm consistent with around one or two sessions each week of well controlled and reasonably programmed training, do I eventually achieve 'mailman-20,000-steps-a-day' effect, or is it too intense? My mileage never exceeds 2.5 miles in a session and I rest plenty between intervals.

    I have to include the caveat that I have fucking retarded PT sessions in the middle of the week at times. I doubt highly that 55 push-ups done Tabata over the course of an hour workout will hurt the GainzZzz as far as recovery goes in the longer term, at least at my low level compared to the elite lifters and coaches here, but if the PT immediately precedes a heavy day it can definitely fuck with the output.

    Pardon the indulgent stats and shit and thanks for recommendations.


  2. #2
    Join Date
    May 2013
    Aiken, SC


    Tacking on my main two workouts as it stands for conditioning:

    Warm-up lap
    Groin/hip stretching (prior injury). Considering starting agile 8.
    400M@1:30 (usually hit 1:20 early in session).
    Repeat 8 times.
    Cool-down, foamrolling, groin babying.

    Warm-up half mile
    Groin/hip babying
    400M/1:30 x 2
    800M/3:10ish x 2
    400M/1:30 x 2
    Cool down, rolling, hip bullshit.

    As you can see I'm no genius programmer of conditioning workouts. I have no idea how to get my 100 down from 13s but am a lot less concerned with that than avoiding injury and improving the (somewhat less dangerous) mile and a half for the time being. Anybody have programming ideas to advance all of the sub-800M distances at a reasonable pace?


  3. #3
    Join Date
    Nov 2014
    Bathing n tha Ganges


    Best of luck running 100m in less than 10 seconds! Keep us all posted on your continued progress with any new progress pics or vid clips. Thanks for the motivation.

  4. #4
    Join Date
    Jul 2013
    Dallas, GA


    I would add one short distance (400 or whatever) sinterval session and one long distance (800s or whatever) interval session per week to start. You can either add them on Mon and Fri after training (least likely to interfere with the next training session) or Tue and Sat (DOMS will be present on Wed for sure). Rest can be anywhere from Tabata protocol to Jordan's protocol.

  5. #5
    Join Date
    Jul 2012
    Flyover Country


    You are aware that <10s 100m times are Olympic caliber, right? I think running 400s and 800s quickly is probably a good idea for your PRT times.

  6. #6
    Join Date
    May 2013
    Aiken, SC


    Should clarify that the 300M is a much longer term goal, professionally speaking (I want a perfect on another PFT, my current is 1.5mi only.) Without specific prep right now, I'm running 45-50s repeats, which I consider a realistic stress to simulate a PFT event between calisthenics and a longer run, and am just trying to elevate base skills so preparation is less if a deal when the job hunt starts again. I'm working on the shorter distances for VO2Max and run economy and occasional 800s to make the short distance easier to tolerate, at least mentally.

    Honestly, I never do 100s and should have suggested 10-12s as my range. So long as it's faster than my 200/300 pace I'm happy.

    Appreciate the input, look forward to more.

  7. #7
    Join Date
    May 2013
    Aiken, SC


    starting strength coach development program
    Hey guys,

    Been continuing with this type of training concurrent to my lifting, and have had no issues so far. Just curious if those among you with much more experience and intelligence than me think that eventually I'll run into problems with the strength side of things. If I manage to attain <9:00 on the 1.5 miler and meet the other goals and only do some very baseline/maintenance work to stay there, would those metabolic and training circumstances be decently acceptable for strength gains, assuming sufficient sleep, diet, etc.?

    Thanks for your time!
    Last edited by CC323; 12-06-2014 at 11:51 AM. Reason: Dumbass diction mistake

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