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Thread: Knees & the Squat - Fractured Patella

  1. #1
    Join Date
    Aug 2017
    Perth, WA Australia

    Default Knees & the Squat - Fractured Patella

    • starting strength seminar october 2024
    • starting strength seminar december 2024
    • starting strength seminar february 2025
    Hi guys,
    Looking for your views concerning the above
    In 2014 had a bike accident and fractured my patella badly, after 3 years of surgeries, wire etc I discovered SS and started the NLP against all advice. Completed the NLP with a back squat of approx 85kg with no knee problems (just favoured the one side). During the texas method I continued squatting but also started to do some Bulgarian split squats to beef up my right leg as noticeably smaller (femur also fractured). This bulgarian split squat did result in some pain underneath the kneecap therefore stopped. Shortly after stopping the BSS during the Texas method I was squatting 100kg, on the 3rd set 4th rep I was driving up and felt a click in my knee. What had happened is a piece of cartlidge came loose and was like a flap resulting in a clunk with every knee bend although no pain which required surgery to remove. My surgeon said no more squatting as the knee cant handle it and there's nothing I can do. After the surgery, again ignored advice and started with a single leg, leg press, worked up to 90kg (8-12 reps) then started to squat again. From research (Charles Poliquinn) I understand the front squat has less compressive forces on the knee therefore a good idea to prevent what happened previously. After 6 weeks of front squatting this week I increased weight to 67.5kg (from the bar) working 5x5 and felt pain under the knee cap (especially when knees come forward, no wonder) albeit nowhere near as bad and seems to have settled now.
    What would you recommend re squatting and the progression I should take (ie back squat, 1x per week, 3 sets across then increase the weight, 1kg progression?)
    Thanks all I really appreciate any help

  2. #2
    Join Date
    Jul 2007
    North Texas


    Why would you think compressive forces on the tibia are germane to a patella injury? Given the differences in knee angle and the resulting differences in load on the extensor components around the knee, what on earth would possess you to choose a front squat over a low-bar squat for your knee injury? I am truly puzzled by the deference to Poliquin in this case.

  3. #3
    Join Date
    Aug 2017
    Perth, WA Australia


    Thanks Mark, back to back squats tomorrow, would you program progression of the squat differently or make an special considerations? Example 1kg jumps, just squat weekly etc

  4. #4
    Join Date
    Jul 2007
    North Texas


    Just do the program as written. Start light, go up as the program recommends.

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