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Thread: Shoulder pain

  1. #1
    Join Date
    Aug 2017

    Default Shoulder pain

    • starting strength seminar october 2024
    • starting strength seminar december 2024
    • starting strength seminar february 2025
    So, I have not lifted for about 3 months. My right shoulder has been hurting for about the last 30 days. This is not workout or injury related because I did not fo anything to injure it. It is sort of a headache type or throbbing type pain. My mobility is not an issue as well. I decided to restart the NLP last week to see if the injury would get worse or better. Day 1, squat, bench, DL. There was no issue with pain doing the workout and my shoulder felt better after. I slept through the night and the next day my shoulder was 80% better. Came back slightly on my off day. Day 2, Squat, press, Row. Same thing no pain during workout and felt better the next day. Finished day 3 with no issures. Day 4, aching is back but still less.

    So the question is, just to get an idea of possible issues. Of course I can go to the doctor and xray or MRI, I'm just not there yet. I want to keep working out and see what happens and do some possible reading in the mean time.

    Do I need to better describe anything?

  2. #2
    Join Date
    Aug 2010
    Wichita Falls, Texas


    Just clarifying: you hadn’t lifted for three months and your shoulder hurt. You started training and your shoulder feels better. Am I missing something here? If this is the case, is a “diagnosis” necessary when you have already found an effective treatment?

  3. #3
    Join Date
    Aug 2017


    Quote Originally Posted by Will Morris View Post
    Just clarifying: you hadn’t lifted for three months and your shoulder hurt. You started training and your shoulder feels better. Am I missing something here? If this is the case, is a “diagnosis” necessary when you have already found an effective treatment?
    I get what your are saying. I am having some aching today and will continue with my workout tomorrow. I am able to massage deep into the front of my shoulder into the joint for some relief as well.

    Just a very strange pain, and with not doing anything that I know of to injure it, seems confusing why I would have pain. Maybe because I'm 46?

  4. #4
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    Wichita Falls, Texas


    Quote Originally Posted by Matthew Spicka View Post
    I get what your are saying. I am having some aching today and will continue with my workout tomorrow. I am able to massage deep into the front of my shoulder into the joint for some relief as well.

    Just a very strange pain, and with not doing anything that I know of to injure it, seems confusing why I would have pain. Maybe because I'm 46?
    As luck would have it, this website just posted a lecture I gave on elementary pain science for the trainee and strength coach. It may be of some benefit to your situation.

  5. #5
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    I just watched it... very interesting. Most of my lifes pain has been more of blunt force type trauma injury. Sprained, broken, dislocated, and road rash. I have not known general pain outside from direct injury.

    I was glad to see that training through the injury is the best medicine. I have done this before with my back and now live 98% pain free in my lower back.

  6. #6
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    Wichita Falls, Texas


    Quote Originally Posted by Matthew Spicka View Post
    I just watched it... very interesting. Most of my lifes pain has been more of blunt force type trauma injury. Sprained, broken, dislocated, and road rash. I have not known general pain outside from direct injury.

    I was glad to see that training through the injury is the best medicine. I have done this before with my back and now live 98% pain free in my lower back.
    Covered later in the lecture was a theoretical construct for how even acute trauma can lead to chronic pain through changes in the central and peripheral nervous systems. If you have trained through back pain before, you have stumbled across the single best treatment, to date, for musculoskeletal injuries and pain. Well done, sir.

  7. #7
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    Quote Originally Posted by Will Morris View Post
    Covered later in the lecture was a theoretical construct for how even acute trauma can lead to chronic pain through changes in the central and peripheral nervous systems. If you have trained through back pain before, you have stumbled across the single best treatment, to date, for musculoskeletal injuries and pain. Well done, sir.
    I consider it nothing short of a miracle. I had the xray with the scotty dog present (Spondylolysis). That was when I was 18. Lived most of my adult life with various levels back pain. I would say my late 30's is when it became constant. I would gave to sleep in crazy positions to make it through the night.

    One day I was reading and some article suggested squats. I started back at the gym and did squats 3 days a week. An exercise I never really had thought of. Was in some solid pain for about 6 weeks. The pain went away and has been 95% better since. The pain comes and goes every so often but is easy to deal with and leaves quickly.

    Just to think, I almost wanted to start pain killers. Life would have taken a turn for the worse if I would have gone down that road.

    I may not be crazy strong, but 290x3x5 Squat and 385x5 is not bad for a man with a bad back.

    Shooting for my next round for PRs!

  8. #8
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    Just thought I would throw up a quick update. Shoulder feeling about 80% better. Cant say for sure if it is the bench, press or the rows that are helping.

  9. #9
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    Just got off the two day rest period. Shoulder is continuing to feel better. Still some occasional random pain but it is getting less frequent. I also no long need to use indexknobber.

    If you have shoulder pain I highly recomend the indexknobber. I was able to temporarily relieve pain with it.

    Index Knobber II - Massage Tool | Rogue Fitness

    On a side note... I also had some pain in my quad right above my left knee. When i would squat down low it felt tight. Squats have now taken this tightness away.

  10. #10
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    starting strength coach development program
    Day 2 of my next round of training. My shoulder hurt a bit after day 1 but that was to be expected. I just added Cleans and some chin-ups.

    Shoulder pain came and went. Today was Sq, Bench and DL. I wont normally have too much pain from a day like today.

    Thus must be an interesting topic if 400 people have viewed this thread.

    I can either keep going with the thread here or start a NLP thread.

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