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Thread: Form issues

  1. #1
    Join Date
    Jun 2009

    Default Form issues

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    Hey guys, so the lower back thing set me back a week or so, and just getting back into it this past week. Could i just get some experienced eyes on whether my forms ok and what still needs work.

    Bench - 61.5kg

    Is this too much elbow flare? and are my elbows under the bar?

    Press - 40kg

    Still too much back lean? And damn i look like i'm constipated when lifting.

    Hangclean - 40kg

    I want to fully get the hang clean down before going back to powercleans. Things i need to work on?

    Squat - 98kg

    Thanks guys, yet again

  2. #2
    Join Date
    Nov 2008


    Some quick comments about the bench:
    1) Are you arching your back enough? It seems that your upper back is pretty flat against the bench.
    2) Is the bench too high for you? Can you touch the floor with flat feet and your legs at 90 degrees?

  3. #3
    Join Date
    Jun 2009


    1) Yeah i set up my arch at the start but i think it flattens out as i take the bar out of the rack (no spotters for me).

    2) Think it's a tad high if i need to keep my legs at 90 degrees only and arch my back. I usually end up with my feet more towards me.

  4. #4
    Join Date
    Mar 2008


    Squat - your first squat was textbook. Thereafter, everything looked good except for your head. You need to keep your neck and head and in line with your spine as you come up. Try this: let your knees come a little farther forward (maybe a half an inch or an inch) in the first half of the squat. This will get you slightly more upgright, move the bar back a touch, and perhaps keep you off your toes as you come up. Play with this cue and see if it helps.

    I want to make something clear - your squats look pretty damn good. This is just a subtle tweak to help with your neck. I know why you have that piece of wood underneath you, but I don't know if that is really helping mitigate the squish from the carpet. It may be making things more difficult at this point.

    Also, eat more. That's going to help you move more weight. Trust me.

    Hang cleans - pretty damn good, too. Get your shoulders slightly forward of the bar when you start the pull. Scapulae should be over the bar for best power transfer. Other than that, they look solid.

  5. #5
    Join Date
    Mar 2008
    Nashville, TN


    Quote Originally Posted by confuzzl3don3 View Post

    Press - 40kg

    Still too much back lean? And damn i look like i'm constipated when lifting.

    Squat - 98kg
    Press: yes IMO this is too much lay back. Try this: as you approach your sticking point and the tendency to lay back kicks in, try driving your hips backwards as hard as you can at the same time trying with all your might to brace the abs.

    Squat: Tom is right, the first rep is a textbook SS squat. Subsequent reps find you driving your hips up + backwards, which is accompanied by a pretty dramatic change in back angle IMO.

    I've been having some success with some of my trainees using the following cue, which I picked up from one of the Power-and-Bulk guys: at that point right as your hips are trying to drive up and backwards like you see here, think doing the opposite--squeeze your butt and try to do, basically, a pelvic thrust, driving the hips forward under the bar.


  6. #6
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    Nov 2009


    Quote Originally Posted by confuzzl3don3 View Post

    Hangclean - 40kg

    I want to fully get the hang clean down before going back to powercleans. Things i need to work on?
    You are trying to "squat" down. You need to get your shoulders over the bar, which will put you in the "power position." Push your hips back like you would when doing an RDL: slight knee break, hips back, lats keep the bar against your legs.

    Pretty good demonstration, IMO.

  7. #7
    Join Date
    Jul 2009


    Squat--keep your chin down for the whole set. Maybe try tucking a tennis ball or a balled up sock in there to keep you honest.

  8. #8
    Join Date
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    Nashville, TN


    Quote Originally Posted by SamGriffin View Post
    Squat--keep your chin down for the whole set. Maybe try tucking a tennis ball or a balled up sock in there to keep you honest.
    Tom already pointed this problem out. It might help reading the whole fucking thread before posting repetitive nonsense. Also, Confuzzled owns the book and has read it multiple times, isn't a newb, and we've all been down this path with him before. Might help to know the person whom you're spouting rudimentary shit to, his training history, etc. so you keep from looking like a condescending prick next time.

    Learn to internet.


  9. #9
    Join Date
    Jun 2009


    I knew that head position would always come back to haunt me. I guess i'll have to keep working on that. I'll try that pelvic thrust cue you talk of stacey, but i was wondering how you got that to work with hip drive. If i think of that pelvic thurst thing, my hips seem to move forward but not up.

    And Rask, i'll try and work on the hang clean position, but from reading SS, i know that the scapulas should be over the bar. Would that mean the shoulders should be slightly in front of the bar like the vid teaches, and not just over the bar?

    Edit: Haha forgot that's exactly what tom said "Get your shoulders slightly forward of the bar when you start the pull. Scapulae should be over the bar for best power transfer"

    And i'll try that trick with the press to prevent too much layback. Thanks all you guys for that. Anyone got anything to say about my bench? Am i flaring too much?

  10. #10
    Join Date
    Nov 2008


    starting strength coach development program
    Your arms do look a bit flared on the bench, but I would fix the lack of back arch first. I think some plates beneath your feet are in order so that you can properly push against the floor with your legs.

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