Have you done footwork drills and jerk recoveries?
Anyone have cues/thoughts on the catch portion of the jerk? I am driving the bar fine, timing on the dip is fine, getting the bar plenty high but I am repeatedly wobbly on the catch, pressing out, etc. I'm not dropping low enough fast enough and when I do it's like I am splitting too far and too narrow.
Maybe I should consider sticking with push jerks for a while until I have the catch down?
Have you done footwork drills and jerk recoveries?
I've done neither of those things. What kinds of footwork drills? One thing I have started doing just these last couple of weeks are presses and jerks from the split position with light weight, just to get used to being in that catch position.
I'll try pushing myself under the bar as a cue as well. I think that is the root cause of it...might be thinking too much about driving the bar up. Footwork is certainly an issue to fix the "tight-roping" and splitting too far, but not sure what kind of drills to do to fix.
Forgot to mention - I don't have the equipment for jerk recoveries. Just have a squat stand and a platform.
Just do the footwork by itself, without a bar. You mention that you're inconsistent with your positioning and splitting too far and narrow. Obviously you need to practice this within the context of the movement as well, but adding some footwork-only will help you make the position consistent without the worry of all the other stuff happening at the same time. First just do the footwork, then move on to miming the entire life except without an actual bar. This shouldn't take a long time, just a few minutes before your session, but do it every day or at least every time you lift.