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Thread: Belt questions

  1. #1
    Join Date
    Sep 2014
    Chandler, AZ

    Default Belt questions

    • starting strength seminar october 2024
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    I was squatting 365 lbs belted (Pioneer from General Leathercraft, 4" x 6.5mm) and pulling 465 for reps and 485 for a single beltless when I hurt my back a couple months ago during a deadlift set. I had been thinking about getting a deadlift-specific belt because the 4" does make it harder for me to get into the DL starting position, but due to inertia, being cheap and not being fully convinced of the need for one, I haven't gotten around to getting one. Now with a back injury to recover from and hopefully prevent from happening again, I'm wondering if a deadlift belt is a necessity for me.

    I've been pleased squatting and pressing with the Pioneer belt so I'll probably go with them again. The 2" seems too narrow to be useful and the 4", well that's the same as my squat belt so I'd go with the 3".

    What is the general consensus on using a deadlift belt? How many of you have separate squat and DL belts? How many DL heavy and beltless? Before my injury I would put the belt on when I was squatting 3 plates or more. Now I'm thinking of using it starting at a lower weight, at least during my rehab period. Thoughts on that? At what weight should I start using the deadlift belt?



  2. #2
    Join Date
    Sep 2011
    New Mexico


    I'm 5'10" 190# and I have legs that are a bit short compared to my torso. I have a 4" and a 3" from best belts. I bought the 3" for dead lifting after several workouts in a row where I felt like I couldn't get a good set up without seriously hurting my ribs using the 4".
    The 3" defiantly makes it easier to get into the correct DL set-up position but the belt itself is very uncomfortable. I think the edges of the belt dig in much more because of the narrowness. I can also tell a difference in level of valsalva support. I've gone back to using the 4" exclusively. I just wear it a hole looser and position it higher in the back and loser in the front. Some times it takes a few tries to get it in the right place but it's worth it.

    All that being said... this will be highly individual. Best case scenario would be convincing a training partner to buy one so you can try it first.

  3. #3
    Join Date
    Mar 2015
    Indianapolis, IN


    Buy a belt for deadlifting. Use it immediately. You'll figure out when you do and don't need it pretty quickly.
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  4. #4
    Join Date
    Aug 2017
    Atlanta, Georgia


    I use a 4" for squatting and a 3" for deadlifting. Issues with the 4" murdering my ribs if I try to use it for deadlifts.

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