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Thread: Squat form check

  1. #1
    Join Date
    Nov 2016

    Default Squat form check

    • starting strength seminar october 2024
    • starting strength seminar december 2024
    • starting strength seminar february 2025
    Hey coaches!

    Been re-running an LP, thought the weights were getting heavier enough now that I ought to ask for another form check.

    Last time out is here.
    Was told to get shoes, get depth, narrow my stance, and that my back was flexing during descent.

    Definitely got the shoes, and improved depth, but not certain I've nailed the other two.
    This is footage from Dec 3rd 2017, work set squats at 122.5kg start at 56 secs. There's a couple warm-up sets at the start of the video, just in case.

    Here's my training log. Starting Strength in Melbourne and background info is male, 25 years old, 100kg-ish, 170cm/5'7" tall.

    Appreciate any pointers, thanks for your time.

  2. #2
    Join Date
    Mar 2008


    Those are a bit better. Stance is still too narrow. Widen it another few cm. Be a little more controlled in your descent. Keep your upper back tighter. First rep or two were high. Thereafter things got better. I have seen a lot worse.

    Jordan and I are coming to Melbourne in February. Consider coming to one of our workshops. Tell your friends, too.

  3. #3
    Join Date
    Nov 2016


    Cheers Tom. Guess I've over-corrected on the stance width, I'll work on widening it a little, controlling my descent and upper back tightness. Depth too.

    Yeah me and my gym buddy are already trying to save up for it, keen as to get some hands on coaching if we can swing it. I'd tell more of my mates but most of them either do front squats to isolate their quads or are currently in another cycle of german volume training...

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