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Thread: Squat form check 210 kg/462 pounds

  1. #1
    Join Date
    Apr 2017

    Default Squat form check 210 kg/462 pounds

    • starting strength seminar august 2024
    • starting strength seminar october 2024
    • starting strength seminar december 2024
    Good day coaches,

    I just competed in a powerlifting meet and would like to ask for any feedback you could give me on my squat.
    The link should be time stamped to my third attempt of 210 kg/462 pounds, done at a bodyweight of 91 kg/200 pounds.


    It was a 10 kg PR and felt crushing, but it seems like there is quite a bit of room still left if I'd just practice heavy singles more. What do you think?

    Thank you!

  2. #2
    Join Date
    Mar 2008



    I like your last name because it has two umlauts in it. I am going to change the spelling of my name to Tomåš Kämpitellä. This might be the missing component to my training. As an another irrelevant diversion, I think Finnish should incorporate the letter ø. The Danes have that on you guys.

    All kidding aside, strong work. Your last squat was fast. You probably have another 5 or even 10 kilos there. Your stance is slightly wider than I would recommend, but not terribly so. You also lift your chin on the last attempt, but, man, I am truly picking nits at that point. For the purposes of looking at form, a heavy set of five is more useful.

  3. #3
    Join Date
    Apr 2017


    Thanks for the feedback!

    Ha, kinda funny to have a different perspective on something so normal to me Maybe I should go by the non-umlaut international spelling of Kytoelae to make everything more simpler...

    The slightly wider stance helped me quite a bit with knee caving so I'll ride that wave for now.

    I'll get a tough set of 5 filmed as soon as I'll go to those weights again, for now the TM grind of the fall needs counter balancing with some food and easier training.

    Thanks again!

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