This is a reconstruction of my log after the SS server meltdown.
Tuesday, 17 January 2012
I am moving to Intermediate Programming. Initially I will be running a slightly modified version of the Madcow/Starr
5x5. Instead of performing Incline Bench Press I will be doing the Two-Handed Overhead Press and I will be doing a little bit different auxiliary exercises.
I am a 6'0" tall, 247 lb, this morning, 48 year old male that is not satisified with my current level of strength or my body composition.
My goals are to get stronger and to improve my body composition.
My current strength and body composition goal is to get back on the platform in an AAU Raw Powerlifting Meet and achieve a Class I total in the 220 lb class which = 1279 lbs.
My previous training log, minus about 10 workouts from the server collapse, can be found here:
I am not going back to reconstruct my old log.