Right now, you younger guys ought to be sleeping pretty well. If not, there's probably a reason that you can fix relatively easily, if you want to. It will usually involve light, temperature, or noise. Some modifications to the room windows (like blinds, maybe) will correct the light thing, and if you can afford a gym membership we'll assume you have some control over your room temperature. Opinions vary, but it seems that everybody agrees on a range of between 60 and 72 degrees.
The noise may not be within your purview to alter; after all, you can't always make everybody just shut the fuck up, and that's a shame. However, Charles Staley told me a secret once. He uses earplugs. It works, and I recommend them highly. Just be sure that you're sleeping in a place where you won't need to react instantly to an important noise, i.e. home invaders, zombies, etc.
And unless you bodybuild for a living, make sure your alarm is of sufficient volume.