Mark having spent the last 10 years or so training with SS consistently 3 times a week I can give you an outcome not so much for the weight lifted for each of the basic barbell lifts such as deads, presses and squats, but what I can say is I just spent 2 weeks moving two house loads of furniture, fridges, (Iceboxes) etc and my back is not killing me, my legs have not given way, and no injuries so far. I wake up each day ready to go. Some of these lifts are awkward and require, deads, squats and presses to lift the loads onto pantechs and trailers, my Mrs asks me how do you keep going? Don't you feel tired? Yes I get tired, but not fatigued, so the bottom line is it appears your training method is working, even for us older guys. Is it luck I have not inured my self? Nope! it is good training.

So again Mark thanks.