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Thread: Breathing while lifting

  1. #1
    Join Date
    Feb 2011

    Default Breathing while lifting

    • starting strength seminar october 2024
    • starting strength seminar december 2024
    So my father brings a weight bench back over that he barrowed and i mentioned weight training. He said. Remember to breath when you squat.

    He isn't a trainer, He isn't an athlete and it felt wrong. As if i listened to him growing up then learned against my liking i been doing it wrong and now i heard it from him again.

    Inhale, Squat down, Press to standing, Exhale, repeat.

    Above is how i'd breath when squatting.

    Who gets the currection. My dad who suggests i breath though the range of motion or myself who would hold my breath

  2. #2
    Eugene Guest


    How old are you?

  3. #3
    Join Date
    Mar 2008


    Hold your breath while lifting. Much better choice.

  4. #4
    Eugene Guest


    Currection! What you must do is called a valsalva:

    Take the bar from the rack and step back.
    Place your non-dominant hand on your nose.
    Take a large breathe, plug your nose, and relax your legs.
    When you hit parallel, forcefully exhale through your cinched nostrils, and drive hard with your legs.
    Do this again (r - 1) times where r ∈ S = {0, . . . , r}

  5. #5
    Join Date
    Oct 2011


    Ask your dad to have a little friendly competition with you. Lock up with your shuolders or chests against eachother and have a competition to see who can push the other person accross the room. As soon as you start pushing he is going to bear down and not breathe.

    Now you can either point it out to him right there that he wasn't breathing, or you can have him try again while exhaling and see how hard he can push you. Either way, he's not pushing as hard as he can against you without holding his breath, it's a natural human reaction.

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