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Thread: Training partner/workout location Suffolk County, Long Island?

  1. #1
    Join Date
    Apr 2012

    Default Training partner/workout location Suffolk County, Long Island?

    • starting strength seminar october 2024
    • starting strength seminar december 2024
    Hi, I'm Patrik and I live in Moriches, and wanted to know if anyone else on this forum lives around here, wants to train together, and if you have a good place to train? I am very fed up with my gym, all the bars are either a. a fat bar b. chromed or c. bent. Also, they do not allow chalk.

    Besides the fact that I'm worried the next step is being forced to coat my bar with butter before I use it, it is also a rather silly environment, lots of half squatting, bros giving unwanted advice, and plenty of pop and dance music. There are some strong guys, but they've gotten strong in spite of themselves, as conversations with them have attested. One of the personal trainers, who squats over 500lbs, because of his very powerful glutes(he went on for about 5 minutes about how disproportionately amazing his glutes are and how he uses a squat form that capitalizes on this), told me how it took him about a year to go from 225 to 275 on the squat. Otherwise friendly guy, although I wasn't really interested in seeing his quads...but yeah, you get the picture.

    Anyway, I am not very strong, but I try hard, and have read Starting Strength multiple times. I'd really appreciate training with someone whose familar with the material, so we could both coach eachother.

  2. #2
    Join Date
    Nov 2012


    There are several Gold Gym locations in Suffolk County. They are usually real lifting gyms, but the equipment at each location varies.

    My best training partner is my notebook. I write each set and rep in the notebook. It keeps me honest in the gym. If you cannot find a partner, try the notebook.

  3. #3
    Join Date
    Apr 2012


    Quote Originally Posted by Packard View Post
    There are several Gold Gym locations in Suffolk County. They are usually real lifting gyms, but the equipment at each location varies.

    My best training partner is my notebook. I write each set and rep in the notebook. It keeps me honest in the gym. If you cannot find a partner, try the notebook.
    Thanks for the recommendation..I have a notebook, and use it every workout, but it's quite different from a lifting partner...

  4. #4
    Join Date
    Nov 2012


    Quote Originally Posted by PDC View Post
    Thanks for the recommendation..I have a notebook, and use it every workout, but it's quite different from a lifting partner...
    People like training partners (and workout coaches) because they can push you to do extra work, extra reps, extra poundage.

    As a rule I have always thought that training partners (and workout coaches) are best left out.

    The time to decide how many sets, what poundage and how many reps to perform for your next workout is as soon as you've finished this workout.

    If you go to the gym and "feel great" and do extra; or if your training coach or partner pushes you to do extra, you are really only stealing from your next workout.

    The greater risk, especially with training coaches, is that they will push you so hard and so long that you burn out and quit.

    I trained for 37 years (before the arthritis laid me out for the last 14 years). Over and over I've seen people train hard (usually starting after the New Year) and burn out in July or August. Sometimes they come back for an encore, but rarely for two encores.

    So I suggest a slow, but stead increase sticking exactly to your written workout.

    There are always some people to talk to at the gym. And I'm glad to do so. But I train alone (with my notebook).

  5. #5
    Join Date
    Apr 2012


    Quote Originally Posted by Packard View Post
    People like training partners (and workout coaches) because they can push you to do extra work, extra reps, extra poundage.

    As a rule I have always thought that training partners (and workout coaches) are best left out.

    The time to decide how many sets, what poundage and how many reps to perform for your next workout is as soon as you've finished this workout.

    If you go to the gym and "feel great" and do extra; or if your training coach or partner pushes you to do extra, you are really only stealing from your next workout.

    The greater risk, especially with training coaches, is that they will push you so hard and so long that you burn out and quit.

    I trained for 37 years (before the arthritis laid me out for the last 14 years). Over and over I've seen people train hard (usually starting after the New Year) and burn out in July or August. Sometimes they come back for an encore, but rarely for two encores.

    So I suggest a slow, but stead increase sticking exactly to your written workout.

    There are always some people to talk to at the gym. And I'm glad to do so. But I train alone (with my notebook).
    I always write what I'm doing next workout...I meant more as a real-time mutual coach/friendly rival..that's why I wanted someone who was familar with Starting Strength...

    You know..chest up..knees out.. you can do it, ya pussy.

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