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Thread: Rebuilding my squat

  1. #1
    Join Date
    Jan 2014

    Default Rebuilding my squat

    • starting strength seminar august 2024
    • starting strength seminar october 2024
    • starting strength seminar december 2024
    - Transitioned from Advanced Novice to HLM (Andy’s website), Squat was at 355x3 (top set, 2x5 @95%)
    - Was lifting in Chucks, but ordered Adidas Adipowers
    - Less than ideal next 2 weeks (serious family illness, lack of sleep, improper nutrition, etc)
    - Received my Adipowers shortly after (even though most say transition is limited from heelless to heel shoes, I had a hard time adjusting, those 2 weeks didn’t help).
    - 1 month after starting HLM, I lost all focus on my squat, didn’t feel right with shoes (but am committed to stick with it because of the benefit), weaker, couldn’t get a good bounce. FYI – my other lifts were not affected as much (e.g., only 5-10% drop in the same time frame, and they are back at their previous levels already).

    Posted a video previously on the technique forum:

    Trying to address the forward knee slide in the hole with TUBOW:

    285lbs front 45 view (2nd set):

    285lbs side view (3rd set):

    1. I’m basically back to novice programming for my squat. I don’t mind, but want to ensure I’m using correct form moving forward.
    2. With my heeled shoes, I don’t feel it in my posterior chain as much. In fact, I had pretty sad quads with the chucks, now with heels my legs are getting balanced (quads actually getting bigger). Could this explain why the weight feels so much more challenging (more quad recruitment than previously?)
    3. They also may be more challenging because I’m making more of an effort to get proper depth.

    Thanks for your insight. I appreciate it.

  2. #2
    Join Date
    Feb 2009
    Atlanta area


    Here's the list of what I see:
    1) Read the video form check post.
    2) From these angles, it looks like you are squatting too deep, and
    3) you're not letting your knees come forward far enough.

    Now, point 2 is related to your complaint about posterior chain. Tighten up your hamstrings and make them stop you a little higher. Then you'll feel them again.
    On point 3 - get rid of the TUBOW. You can see your knees. Make them go where they are supposed to go (a little past your toes) and stop them there with your brain. Quit using a crutch.

    4) Hip drive hip drive hip drive

  3. #3
    Join Date
    Jan 2014


    Hi Steve,
    thank you for taking a look at my squat.

    1. I assume my video fault was posting 2 vids? Sorry about that.
    But I assume filming from front 45 degree angle is OK (mentioned in form check post), right? Also filmed in widescreen for good measure.

    Here is my squat session today, 295lbs (this is the 2nd set):

    - Set the bar A TAD lower from previous attempts - felt a little more stable
    - Weight felt much lighter. I certainly FEEL the stretch at the bottom, going a little less deep.
    (Was the addition of proper footwear a cause of me being more comfortable going deeper than with my chucks?)
    - That was actually my first session with TUBOW, so not a crutch, but it has since been removed, lol - I thought it had some value for a short duration.
    - A couple reps some forward knee action, but is it a big deal/worthy of attention?

    Note about programming:
    Before getting mucked up, my LP on squat ended around the 335 mark (switched to intermediate at that time).
    As you can see, I added 10lbs to this session. I know we can re-add weight more quickly, but should I just stick to 5lbs per session 3x/week, and employ the advanced novice programming in PPST when necessary? It was around this time last LP that I was doing 5lbs increase on M/F with a light session on W.
    I know there is no need to rush things, just want to get your opinion on that.


  4. #4
    Join Date
    Jan 2014


    By no means impatient, just wanted to post today's squat of 305 (this is the 3rd set).


  5. #5
    Join Date
    Mar 2008


    From this angle, things look pretty good. It might not hurt if your knees were out a little more. A much better angle would be a rear oblique set at hip height.

  6. #6
    Join Date
    Feb 2009
    Atlanta area


    I'm with Tom. A little more toe / knees out, otherwise these are fine.

  7. #7
    Join Date
    Jan 2014


    starting strength coach development program
    Thanks to both of you!

    Back to my regularly scheduled program.

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