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Thread: driving adaptation thru more reps vs. more weight

  1. #1
    Join Date
    May 2014

    Default driving adaptation thru more reps vs. more weight

    • starting strength seminar august 2024
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    Is it possible to overload and to drive an adaptation thru the use of more reps in sets rather than an incremental increase in weight? For instance, using dumbells on a benching program say the 100lb dumbells are the heaviest I have access to and that is my 10 RM. Using the program like the Texas Method, for my volume day could I do 5 x 6 and push for a new rep max on my intensity day? For the next volume day, could I just try to shoot for 1x7 and then 4x6? And maybe shoot for an 11RM on my next intensity day? Is it possible to periodize a bench program using dumbells exclusively?

  2. #2
    Brodie Butland is offline Starting Strength Coach
    Join Date
    May 2011


    This is all in the book. The short answer is that high-rep dumbbell periodization has a lower ceiling because (1) dumbbells cannot be incrementally loaded like a barbell, and (2) it's much harder to add weight to high-rep sets than low-rep sets. I'll add a's not easy to get heavy dumbbells into's fairly easy to unrack a heavy barbell.

    So will your programming work? Sure...but not for very long, and it won't be very effective for strength development.

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