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Thread: Weight safari

  1. #1
    Join Date
    Jan 2013

    Default Weight safari

    • starting strength seminar october 2024
    • starting strength seminar december 2024
    • starting strength seminar february 2025
    I will begin to post my extremely exciting workouts. Sometimes it involves me crawling through snow to knock snow off of equipment in the middle of a snow storm, or snowshoeing to throw birds out, or and this is guaranteed, pulling dead animals around at work. Because as my neighbor says the only guarantee of livestock is deadstock. I also lift weights. I began again a month ago after a hiatus last year do to a brutal work schedule. Last spring I was at 195 and doing very well. I am not sure if I am going to get up there again or not. I will decide in another month and see where I'm at. I'm a lifelong milk drinker. My current lifts are where I would expect them to be after a month. I have not "maxed" it would be kind of pointless since its no where near my in shape Max. I will post my workouts starting next week. I am in good shape and Happy with My progress. My shoulder is injured and I've decided to bench at a weight which doesn't hurt until the muscle around it can build up and hopefully relieve the affected area so it can heal mostly. I enjoy Copenhagen, the chew, firearms, I'm an avid outdoorsman. I own two businesses, work a full time job, have two seasonal part time jobs, two boys, wife, and three dogs. Along with weights, and work, I started going to a Kali jkd class with my oldest son it is a lot of fun. I'm a former college athlete.
    6' 30years Weight in 170s? Who cares I'm not fat fucked.

  2. #2
    Join Date
    Jan 2013


    Kali tonight. Good opportunity to look like a moron swinging sticks. Camped over the weekend got down in the single digits with 45 MPH winds in a blue tipi.

  3. #3
    Join Date
    Jan 2013


    Bench 120/130/140 5s
    Deadlift 280x5 plus warmup
    40kb swings 55 lbs
    Bench is still garbage due to my shoulder but is feeling better. Ill keep doing warmups until it feels good enough to start progressing. Lifted in a parka. My dog took a shit on my mat maybe it is a sign.

  4. #4
    Join Date
    Jan 2013


    Bw up 15lbs since last week or so of Dec. I got a Mega bug back then and lost some weight but from the time I started working out again and weighed in its up 15 to 177. Last spring I was 195 so I should be eclipsing that number in the not too distant future. I've consistently given birth at my brothers house when I stop by from eating so much. I haven't missed any workouts but I don't feel like typing them in here all the time on my smartphone. I think today's workout was.
    Squat 200x5x3
    Bench 150x5x3
    Weighted Chins 25lbsx5x3
    Power cleans 100x5x3
    Really haven't done PC's much before so its pretty fun learning to do something. Ill practice until I feel comfortable with form then move up in weights.
    Anyway I'm doing the SS program. I was doing a little different AB workout and it does the trick but so will SS. I keep a workout log in my garage. I swear I just shit out an entire potato. Part of taking time off is hard when you start up again and finding the patience to lift through the first three or four months to get back up to a respectable base. It takes perspective and although I didn't train last year I accomplished a great deal and I definitely didn't squander my time.

  5. #5
    Join Date
    Jan 2013


    Training is going well. Ran into a little hiccup with my back on Monday. It was actually a sleeping related problem due to my 4 year old man child sneaking into our bed making me sleep in a contorted position. It was more extreme muscle tightness than an injury. I took off from mma and lifting yesterday but lifted today. I did skip deadlifts I didn't want to compromise my form and hurt something else. Squats are at 200 press is at 120 5x3 on both. I actually had to take a step back on squats to adapt to the increased frequency Of SS. My recovery is back so I can get going again on bumping weights. Overall I'm happy I am up 18lbs now. I'm sure there's water etc but whatever it counts in My book. Got some bad news that my cousin was arrested on a case of mistaken identity. It is a bad deal because it was three counts of armed robbery some serious shit. Somebody id'd him off of a Facebook security camera picture from the cops. Anyway he is held without bond and will be in jail for a month. He's the nicest Guy in the world and it wasn't him. I'm flying down to testify as a character witness. Its just really messed up.

  6. #6
    Join Date
    Jan 2013


    starting strength coach development program
    Week ended good. Up 21 pounds now. My recovery feels a lot fast since I started taking bcaas and creatine. Excited to see where I'll be in June. Back feels pretty much better. Also ready for some warmer weather although it is fun training in 20-30 degree weather its nice to open the garage door up. I intend to play some rugby this spring but my weekends are booking up for Turkey season, and work comes first, and of course family before that. I'm going to go with the flow no sense getting worked up. I'm going to start sprinting hills soon. I have a feeling my sprints will be slightly slower than I used to be. Its kind of like that dream where you can't run fast or hit hard except its a reality. Lol

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