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Thread: Squat technique check

  1. #1
    Join Date
    Oct 2016

    Default Squat technique check

    • starting strength seminar october 2024
    • starting strength seminar december 2024
    My fiancee and I have been doing SS for a couple months, and we're concerned about her squat technique lately. She's currently at 135 lbs x 3 x 5 (bodyweight is ~ 180 lbs).

    For the past several weeks, the squats seem to be relatively easy - increasing weight is going well. But the technique seems to break down, especially on reps 4-5. We feel like she might be leaning too far forward, that the butt is rising a little faster than the shoulders/chest. This isn't to the point of becoming imbalanced. But the concern is that as weight keeps increasing, an injury might occur. Concern about an impending injury in making her a little hesitant to increase her squat at a similar rate as her deadlift. Of note, her deadlift is considerably ahead of her squat (currently 182.5 lbs deads vs. 135 lbs squat). Anyway, we just want a little help to diagnose and hopefully fix this so she can keep progressing!

    This is set 3.

    Thank you!

    60 kg x 5 technique check - YouTube

  2. #2
    Join Date
    Oct 2014
    Appleton, WI


    Looks to me like she needs to shove her knees out. Brace her abs harder, looks like over extension. Keep her eyes down. Don't go down so deep.

    Be a good lad and by her proper shoes and a session with an SSC.

  3. #3
    Join Date
    Dec 2015
    Jamestown, NC


    Agree with Joe on the over extension and the knees, the depth is deep but its good and will correct when she adds more weight. I think the bar may still be a bit high on her back and I would agree again with Joe on turning the head down during the lift. Turning her feet out a bit more may help her when she needs to get her knees out more too.

  4. #4
    Join Date
    Aug 2014
    Gardiner, NY


    She's going way too deep and pretty much pausing at the bottom. Hip crease should be just below the knee at the bottom position. No pause, push hard. She needs to keep her chin tucked down. And yes, lifting shoes would help. And a belt.

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