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Thread: How do I go back to my old gym after trying Crossfit?

  1. #1
    Join Date
    Mar 2010
    Hamilton, Ontario (Canada)

    Default How do I go back to my old gym after trying Crossfit?

    • starting strength seminar october 2024
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    Ok I will give you some quick background...

    -33 year old former athlete, married with a 14 month old son
    -YMCA member for my wife and son
    -LOVE to push my limits, every workout

    I have been a memeber of the YMCA for A while now. I joined because they had all of the bunny-foo-foo shit my wife is into, a daycare for my son and a kiddie pool to take him swimming in afterwards. Not to mention a full range of programs for him when he hits 18 months.

    I discovered Crossfit about 2 months ago, I went to a crossfit gym and did a lifting class and worked a few kinks out of my form. I didn't really think much of Crossfit at the time because all I did for my freebie was lift. Didn't really do a crossfit workout. When I looked into it, it was really expensive and I couldn't give up my YMCA membership. 6 weeks went by and the owner didn't even contact me once to even attempt to get me back in. That's cool, he seemed like he had a full gym anyways and didn't need us.

    I found a new guy and went down last Wednesday. I figured I would use the freebie again and get a free form check. Then go back to my shitty YMCA where I hide in the back corner on the only power rack, far away from the TV equipped treadmills, elipticals and bikes.

    Wrong...He showed us Front Squats and then took us through a routine of 250m row, 15 burpees and 10 overhead presses. Holy crap I was almost falling over after 3 rounds. I was hooked!

    The owner is a great guy, he is a salesman just like myself and I brought him myself and my workout buddy. He cut us a deal to both take a 10 visit membership. Perfect! We went last night and did Overhead squats for strength and then a circuit of 5 overhead squats, 7 Sumo deadlift/kinda powerclean thingies and 12 wallballs. Wow...gassed again, managed to get 7 rounds in 20 minutes. Not great, but I led the class by 2

    I'm so hooked on the workout, the constantly being gassed, the constantly having to push myself.

    How do I go back to the YMCA on Friday night and Sunday afternoon to do my SS routine. I'm gonna cry when I walk through the door, I'm gonna feel like I'm walking through a bunch of total noobs (which they are) just to get to my squat rack. Then I'm gonna have to kick some stupid kid doing arm curls out of my rack so I can squat

    I have to keep the family membership at the Y, but at least I get to supplement with a weekly visit to Crossfit

    Crossfit is like sex with a hot chick, going back to the YMCA is like being forced to pull up 2-3 rolls to find the hole on a fat chick and give it to her at gunpoint It's still sex, but before and feel dirty and you know it's wrong.

  2. #2
    Join Date
    Jul 2009


    "Beware the lure of the sexy metcon." It's easy to kick your ass and get you tired.

  3. #3
    Join Date
    Jul 2009


    Better get yourself a wallet chain and tapout shirt i guess...

  4. #4
    Join Date
    Jul 2008


    That's one heck of an advertisement. Thankfully advertising is free on this board.

  5. #5
    Join Date
    Jan 2010


    Think of this:

    You are on SS and do not do crossfit style workouts on a regular basis. However you go into a crossfit class and do better than everyone else who normally crossfits.

    Why would you change your current routine if it is making you gains and can keep you at level or higher than another workout program?

    What would crossift help you in? What are your goals? You want to push your limits you say. Well adding weight to the bar on a regular basis is still pushing the limits is it not?

  6. #6
    Join Date
    Feb 2010
    St. Thomas, Ontario


    Here's a crazy idea... maybe he enjoyed it more.

    It doesn't hurt that there is a plethora of black-spandex-clad tight ass.

    Did you go to the Burlington location? or is there one in Hamilton?

    I bought my bumpers in burlington so I've been there twice. Seems like a pretty sweet gym. The owners love nice barbells and bumpers and are very friendly and helpful. The one time that i was there they were doing "maximum overhead" which is a work-up to a max jerk, then they did 4 rounds of what I can only consider to be conditioning drills to solidify split and squat olympic movements.

    There was also at least one strong mofo there at one time and a small group of them were going to the crossfit games, so they definitely have some serious athletes on board.

  7. #7
    Join Date
    Dec 2009


    It's all about YOUR goals. If you had/have that much fun, and it meets your needs, go for it. That said, you saw the Staley vs. Rip, right?

  8. #8
    Join Date
    Jan 2010


    I've lurked here awhile and it seems that mixing in a metcon with SS comes up often.

    If you enjoy it. Do it.
    If it works. Do it.

    Sounds like the decision to do strength training and throw in some crossfit every once in a while is a good start.

    Enjoy looking at the cardio bunnies while they are still bunnies and not roadkill. For the kids curling in the squat rack. He will move out of the way once he sees you throwing up more and more weight. Eventually he might ask for pointers.

  9. #9
    Join Date
    Mar 2010
    Hamilton, Ontario (Canada)


    Quote Originally Posted by milk-grinder View Post
    Think of this:

    You are on SS and do not do crossfit style workouts on a regular basis. However you go into a crossfit class and do better than everyone else who normally crossfits.

    Why would you change your current routine if it is making you gains and can keep you at level or higher than another workout program?

    What would crossift help you in? What are your goals? You want to push your limits you say. Well adding weight to the bar on a regular basis is still pushing the limits is it not?
    Sorry it wasn't meant to be an ad. I'm just fired up...I will still be doing SS twice a week at my crappy YMCA and Crossfit once a week.

    I should clarify I was in a small class with a woman that just gave birth 3 months ago and my training partner. It wasn't a big class. No "firebreathers" in that class. I don't even come close to qualifying as one.

    I guess what crossfit adds is some weight loss. I'm in the 20-22% BF range right now.

    Quote Originally Posted by MazdaMatt View Post
    Here's a crazy idea... maybe he enjoyed it more.

    It doesn't hurt that there is a plethora of black-spandex-clad tight ass.

    Did you go to the Burlington location? or is there one in Hamilton?

    I bought my bumpers in burlington so I've been there twice. Seems like a pretty sweet gym. The owners love nice barbells and bumpers and are very friendly and helpful. The one time that i was there they were doing "maximum overhead" which is a work-up to a max jerk, then they did 4 rounds of what I can only consider to be conditioning drills to solidify split and squat olympic movements.

    There was also at least one strong mofo there at one time and a small group of them were going to the crossfit games, so they definitely have some serious athletes on board.
    Stoney Creek - Excalibur Crossfit, just opened on May 10th.

    It seems to be the way to get strong but maintain your athleticism.

    Quote Originally Posted by milk-grinder View Post
    I've lurked here awhile and it seems that mixing in a metcon with SS comes up often.

    If you enjoy it. Do it.
    If it works. Do it.

    Sounds like the decision to do strength training and throw in some crossfit every once in a while is a good start.

    Enjoy looking at the cardio bunnies while they are still bunnies and not roadkill. For the kids curling in the squat rack. He will move out of the way once he sees you throwing up more and more weight. Eventually he might ask for pointers.
    Haha yeah my buddy and I quite often give mini squat lessons to people at our gym. The people than knew me when I joined 4 months ago and have seen how far I have come, they do ask for advice. But I'm very hesitant to hand it out.

    A) I'm not qualified to give advice and B) They aren't me, so what worked for me...might not work for them.

  10. #10
    Join Date
    Jul 2009


    starting strength coach development program
    Crossfit does not add weight loss. It adds some conditioning. Weight loss is from diet, not "met-cons". It will not get you strong if what you're doing is throwing around light weights for 5-20 minutes, but it will maintain athleticism. I don't mean to be negative here, but you have to be realistic about what Crossfit "met-cons" will give you. It will give you some conditioning. It will give you the ability to work hard (particularly at "Crossfit movements") for 2-40 minutes. That will probably carry over a little to longer efforts. You will most likely get some coaching about form that isn't half bad and definitely better than coaching yourself. You will get a bunch of other people working hard around you. You will also probably have fun. Those are all good things. But it's not magic. It's just flailing around for 20 minutes.

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