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Thread: The great reset and beyond

  1. #1
    Join Date
    Jul 2009

    Default The great reset and beyond

    • starting strength seminar december 2024
    • starting strength seminar february 2025
    I'm an active duty Marine fighting our PT schedule and a 90's small military mentality in an attempt to get big and strong. Now, i'm not gonna lie. Part of my motivation is aesthetics and I do plan on going back to Crossfit once I think I am big / strong enough.

    Basically I started out about 1 year ago at 6'4 and 165lb. I did the Starting Strength workout for a while, or what I thought was SS, and made good gains in every lift. My squat is still weak because until recently I could not perform the movement properly. Currently I am about 200lb. and am looking to add another 30. Once I reach this weight I will decide what I want to do from there.

    I will be using the Starting Strength M-W-F template of A/B with Squat, bench, deadlift, press, and power clean. I don't have any major form issues and am resetting my weight a bit to make up for the past few weeks of not lifting.

    For recovery I will be eating mostly fatty meat, eggs, vegetables and fruit but will not hesitate to slam a burger and a shake if need be.

    My first official workout of this training cycle will be tomorrow. The weights used will be:

    Squat 3x5 - 190lb
    Bench 3x5 - 175lb
    Deadlift 1x5 - 315lb

    If the weight cannot be handled i'll lower them, but I am pretty confident that i'll be good with them. I plan on increasing everything in 5lb increments.

  2. #2
    Join Date
    Jul 2009


    Everything went as planned today. Deadlift was bad and had to rest about 5 seconds between reps. I'm resetting it to 305 lb.

    Squat - 190x3x5
    Bench - 175x3x5
    Deadlift - 315x1x5
    Chin-Ups 3xMR - 11,8,6

  3. #3
    Join Date
    Jul 2009


    Squat - 195x3x5
    Press - 130x3x5
    Power Clean - 165x5x3

  4. #4
    Join Date
    Jul 2009


    Squat - 200x3x5
    Bench Press - 180x3x5
    Deadlift - 305x1x5
    Chin Up 3xMR - 11,10,9

    Everything felt strong. PR on chin ups.

  5. #5
    Join Date
    Jul 2009


    Squat - 210x3x5
    Bench - 185x3x5
    Deadlift - 310x1x5
    Chin Ups 3xMR - 12, 6, 6 *PR on 1st set*

  6. #6
    Join Date
    Feb 2009


    Damn dude, after I finish deadlift the last thing I can do is hang onto a bar and bang out some chinups. My grip is fried.

    I'm also programming around my unit PT although I'm in the Air Force. We workout Tues / Thurs as a unit and so I basically just have two strength days and two days of cals. We do mostly sprints, runs and crossfit type bodyweight workouts.

    Hows your recovery?

  7. #7
    Join Date
    Jul 2009


    Quote Originally Posted by Nixxon View Post
    Damn dude, after I finish deadlift the last thing I can do is hang onto a bar and bang out some chinups. My grip is fried.

    I'm also programming around my unit PT although I'm in the Air Force. We workout Tues / Thurs as a unit and so I basically just have two strength days and two days of cals. We do mostly sprints, runs and crossfit type bodyweight workouts.

    Hows your recovery?
    I'm on recruiting duty right now and it's my off day. The station did some unit PT type stuff so I did some calisthenics but I am pretty confident i'll be able to recover. I may have to move to a 2x a week program like yours, unfortunately, if my unit gets more PT oriented.

    My recovery is alright. I just try to eat a lot but I don't do well with milk so it's all about meat and fruit for me, and trail mix. (although I don't like eating nuts too much)

    My squat strength suuuucks but that is because when I was doing SS before I was doing the good morning squat thing.. Just recently got the movement down. It was hard for me to teach myself all of the lifts but I am pretty confident in my form now.

    So yes, I share your frustration with having to work around pointless workouts with no goal and countless repetition. Oh well, though. I have a year and a half left before I get out and then the real training starts!

    I will be very very happy if I can get my work sets to 275x3x5 and my body weight to 225.

  8. #8
    Join Date
    Jul 2009


    Squat - 215x3x5 (last set was a bit sloppy. Could really use my oly shoes and belt right now but those are back in NC.)

    Press - 135x4, 125x5, 120x5 (keep resetting this lift at 135. shoulder pain in left side near top of press every time. popping noise)

    Power clean - 175x5x3 these felt really solid. good form

  9. #9
    Join Date
    Jul 2009


    I'm taking the next 2-3 weeks off due to persistent symptoms of adrenal fatigue and getting it checked out.

  10. #10
    Join Date
    Jul 2009


    starting strength coach development program
    I took a week off and now i'm back in North Carolina looking at my shiny new Inzer 10mm double buckle lifting belt.. And it's been a week since i've lifted. I can't stand this shit! I'm working out on Sunday.

    As far as my last post about adrenal fatigue goes, I am still trying to identify it. I haven't been able to shake it but I don't think it's due to over training. I've got some endocrinology appointments set up soon and started this thread about it on the Crossfit boards:

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