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Thread: squeezing abs creates lower back pain.

  1. #1
    Join Date
    Jul 2014
    Land of Bread and Beer, Germany

    Default squeezing abs creates lower back pain.

    • starting strength seminar october 2024
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    So, I have googled this site and haven't found a similar thread yet. When I'm between sets of squats, I usually have to hang from a pull up bar to relieve my pains from my lower back. It's not a debilitating/sharp/excruciating pain, but I'm also not sure how to describe it exactly. The closest way I can describe it is as a cramp... so, since hanging from the bar temporarily fixes the discomfort, I can easily finish my workouts any problems.

    Thing is, after my workouts and during recovery days I get the same sensation in the lower back; and without a pull up bar I have to slightly round my back until it alleviates itself within a few seconds. I have noticed it happens when I contract my stomach muscles, especially when standing. I also went into he gym momentarily to do a few sit-ups on the decline bench and felt a shocking sensation/pain move from my feet all the way to my lower back.

    I sit in a chair at work a majority of the time, but as long as I keep a straight back while sitting, I never have a problem.

    It definitely feels like my lower back is fatigued, but this should be expected when training, right? It's the cramping and shocking sensation that bothers me.

    Anyone else experience this feeling? THANKS.

  2. #2
    Join Date
    May 2012


    You're muscles are likely going into spasms from deconditioning or inherent bony/disk problems.

  3. #3
    Join Date
    Jul 2014
    Land of Bread and Beer, Germany


    So, to be a bit more specific, the pain is found in my lower back along the sides (not in the middle or along the spine), and creeps towards my upper butt area. I have notice that I naturally move into a 1/16 squatting position to alleviate the pain. It typically goes away in three seconds or so.

    I don't believe that it's a disk problem because it definitely feels like the muscles themselves.

    During Intensity day bench today, since I squeeze my whole body during the movement, once i finished my set I found myself cramping up in my back.

    I just figured that someone out there has felt this. Not sure if I should take a week off to see if it alleviates the problem, or maybe a message is in order.

  4. #4
    Join Date
    Jul 2012


    The area you describe sounds like a strained quadratus lumborum (ql). Could you be overextending your lumbar (getting too much arch in the low back)?
    It always helps me when I strain ql is light trigger point massage of the ql, which I usually find is extremely tender, stretching/massage of the psoas and other hip muscles (defranco's limber 11), belted squats and focus on tight abs but not overextending the lumbar. Rest has never helped me whereas light direct work on the low back and hip muscles provides immediate relief, ymmv.

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