Does the bench hurt so bad that you can't finish a set of 5?
I would love to start lifting again after a few years off but at present I have pain in my chest whenever I do bench presses or push ups, etc. My doctor thinks it's costochondritis and has advised me to not do any activity that causes pain.
I understand that OHP also works the chest to some extent so I just wondered would I still make progress doing shoulder presses with my elbows out to the side instead of the normal OHP and leave the bench press out until my chest pain goes? I would still do squats and deadlifts though.
Thanks very much,
Does the bench hurt so bad that you can't finish a set of 5?
I can finish it but my chest is in agony for a couple of days afterwards
Then you need an actual diagnosis. How long has it been like this?
Since September last year. I agree. I think they're just palming me off.